- The jerks (so dubbed by the creeps) think it happens in sudden jumps that are separated by long periods of stasis. 而“跳蚤”(“毛毛虫”们给起的绰号)们认为进化的方式是被长时间停滞分隔开的突然的跳跃。
- It forced jumps, all of a sudden jump streams, homeopathy put a turtle thrown out. 它用力一跃,一下子跳过山涧,顺势把乌龟甩了出去。
- A function that has a sudden jump in value at a certain point is said to be discontinuous at that point. 一个函数在某一点的数值发生突变称为在那一点是不连续的。
- Both gradual transition and sudden jumps between nucleate boiling and film boiling are properly interpreted in a mechanistic manner. 模型可适当地说明于核沸腾与模沸腾间逐渐转换、及不连续跳跃之转移现象。
- Great men have arrived at the heights of their achievements and stayed at the high places, but such heights were not reached easily by a sudden jump. 伟人们达到他们成就的巅峰,居高临下,但那个高度不是一蹴而就的。
- In the transition region, the structure of DMSO layer transforms from one to two layers, and the total potential of the system shows a sudden jump. 结果表明:随着插层量的升高,体系会经历三个状态,在过渡状态区,DMSO分子从一层转变为二层,体系的位能有一个突然升高的过程。
- For example, recently in an interview with CCTV a 13-year-old girls, girls说了句: a sudden jump out an open Web page content inside is yellow and very violent! 比如前些日子央视在采访一位13岁女孩时,女孩说了句:有一次打开网页突然跳出一个网页,里面内容很黄,很暴力!
- The film suddenly jumped from the events of 1920 to those of 1930. 那电影从1920年的事突然跳到1930年的事。
- When the joint trajectory is within the optimum solution domain, a sudden jump of end-effector will occur due to the fluctuation of the index function determined by the exhaustive optimization method. 当规划进入优化解域时,指标函数逐点最优曲线的波动会使机械臂末端产生突跳现象。
- "Squall line" occurred from time to time there will be mutations in the wind, the wind speed increased, the temperature dropped, a sudden jump in pressure, such as drastic changes in the weather. “飑线”发生时常会出现风向突变、风速猛增、气温陡降、气压骤升等剧烈的天气变化。
- A cat suddenly jumped out from the shaded area. 灯影下忽然蹿出只猫来。
- He began to tremble all over. The soft steps of the camels padding behind him madehim suddenly jump with flight. 想到这儿,他哆嗦起来,背后骆驼蹄子噗噗轻响猛然吓了他一跳。
- " Qianlong changed to "Yuquan sudden jump. 乾隆改为"玉泉趵突"。
- He twisted up with a sudden stab of pain. 一阵突然的剧疼使他挺不起身来。
- On his delivery run for the day, the gorgeous Lara suddenly jumps into David's car and the next thing he knows, he's ducking bullets. 在平凡的一天工作中,美艳的罗拉突然跳入大卫的车子,大卫只知道即时的反应是,闪避周围的子弹。
- Jenson Button: We're not going to suddenly jump forward compared to Monaco and the previous few races. 简森-巴顿:和摩纳哥以及前几场比赛相比,我们不会突然拥有飞跃。
- Annoying people, it suddenly jump of the page, but have a look, students do not take those resources. 可气人的是,它突然跳转了页面,只是有个外表,学生根本用不了那些资源。
- The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然转向东流。
- Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden cold. 一半的水果作物在突如其来的寒流中被冻死。
- The boy jumped up in surprise at the sudden noise. 突如其来的响声吓得这个男孩跳了起来。