- The striking distance factor of typical objective obtained by the simulation experiment is in agreement with field experience, which proves the simulation technique is creditable. 将采用该模拟试验技术得到的典型目的物的击距系数与运行经验进行了比较,证明该模拟试验方法是可信的。
- Study on the Striking Distance Factor of the High Tower 高杆塔下击距系数的研究
- striking distance factor 击距系数
- The house was within striking distance of the road. 房子离公路很近。
- The champion, within striking distance, gave the challenger a severe blow. 拳王站在打击得到的距离内,给挑战者一记重击。
- The beach is within striking distance. 海滩近在咫尺。
- We are within striking distance of completing the dictionary. 我们完成该辞典为期不远。
- He didn't come within striking distance of passing the exam. 他的成绩离及格还差得远呢。
- Our troops are not yet within striking distance of the enemy. 我们的部队还没有进入敌人的攻击范围内。
- Bad luck! You came within striking distance of beating the record. 真倒霉!你眼看就要打破纪录了。
- They can be set up within striking distance of potential enemies. 他们可以设置在打击潜在敌人的有效距离内。
- The cat was now within striking distance of the duck. 此时,猫就在可攻击鸭子的距离内。
- Hard luck! You came within striking distance of beating the record. 真倒霉!你眼看就要打破纪录了。
- A cat stalks a duck until it gets within striking distance. 一只猫跟踪着一只鸭子,直到靠近到它能捉到鸭子的距离。
- The missiles can be set up within striking distance of potential enemies. 导弹可设置在打击假设敌人的有效距离内。
- The champion,within striking distance,gave the challenger a severe blow. 拳王站在打击得到的距离内,给挑战者一记重击。
- The champion, within striking distance, gave the challengera severe blow. 拳王站在打击得到的距离内,给挑战者一记重击。
- The clustering criterion designed by us includes distance factor and geometry shape similarity factor.On the basis of this, the corresponding clustering algorithm was implemented. 综合考虑距离和几何形状相似性来设计聚类准则,实现了相应的聚类算法。
- Move carefully until you get within striking distance of the enemy,then hold your fire till I give the order. 小心地逼近敌人直到可以发动进攻的距离,然后等待我的命令开火。
- Move carefully until you get within striking distance of the enemy, then hold your fire till I give the order. 小心地逼近敌人直到可以发动进攻的距离,然后等待我的命令开火。