- Aluminum-copper alloy which when heat-treated has good strength at high temperature is used for making pistons and cylinder heads for automobiles. 由于铜铝合金经过热处理之后具有良好的高温强度,所以用来制造汽车发动机的活塞与汽缸头。
- Made of compound refractory with high purification and binder free from phosphor.Used for slag line and weak section of EAF,strong adhesion,high binding strength at high temperature,erosion resistant,long service life. 采用高纯合成材料和无磷结合剂生产的高性能喷补料;适用于各种电炉的渣线及热点部位的喷补维护.;具有附着率高;高温结合强度好;抗冲刷性能优异;使用寿命长的优点
- the strength at high temperature 高温强度
- Glass melts at high temperature. 玻璃在高温下熔化。
- Instrument for Bending Strength at High Temperature of Investment Casting Shell 精铸型壳高温弯曲破碎强度测定仪的研制
- The most important properties of cutting tools are hardness at high temperature, wear resistance, and impact strength. 切削刀具最重要的性能是在高温下能保持的硬度、耐磨损和冲击韧性。
- Excellent insulation at high temperature, long service life. 优良的高温约缘性能、使用寿命长;
- Vinified at high temperature to extract colours and aromas. 在高温下酿制以汲取色泽和果香。
- High resilience and low shrinkage at high temperature. 高温状态下纤维回弹强,收缩小;
- Stronger TVP (Twin Vertical Plate) chassis for improved durability and strength at high speeds. 更强的许可证(双竖板)的底盘为改善耐久性和强度很高的速度。
- Combustion at high temperature causes decomposition to nitrogen and water. 氨在高温下燃烧分解成为氮和水。
- Good chemical stability and strength at high temperature.High hardness.Good weai and alkali erosion resistance, lower thermal expansion coefficient and high thermal conductivity. 高温化学稳定性好、硬度高、高温强度大、耐磨损、抗碱侵蚀性能好、热膨胀系数低、热导率高。
- Hard as the metal is,it can be changed into liquid at high temperature. 金属虽然很硬,但在高温下可以变成液体。
- Titanium is strong enough to withstand heavy loads at high temperature. 钛有足够的强度,在高温下经得起负荷。
- Suitable folr felalspar glazes, reductive firing at high temperature. 适合长石釉,高温还原烧成。
- Hard as the metal is, it can be changed into liquid at high temperature. 金属虽然很硬,但在高温下可以变成液体。
- The metallurgist has recently found a metal skin for missiles and supersonic planes,one that will retain its strength at the high temperature caused by air friction. 冶金学家最近发明了一种用于导弹和超音速飞机的金属外壳,这种外壳在大气摩擦引起的高温下仍然能保持其强度。(one作同位语,代替skin.
- The main difficulty was failure of refractories at high temperature. 其主要的困难是高温下耐火材料的损坏。
- The Y zeolite is calcinated at high temperature after fluoride modified. 摘要 采用氟处理结合高温焙烧的方法对Y型分子筛进行改性。
- strength at high temperature 高温强度