- Margaret listened in stony silence. 玛格丽特一声不吭地听着,面无表情。
- They listened to him in stony silence. 他们冷漠地静静听他讲。
- He regarded her in stony silence. 他的回敬,就是石一般沉重的静谧。
- A stony silence and an averted head were his answers. 她给他的回答是转过头去不理他,同时固执地沉默不语。
- If they are embarrassed, you may just get a stony silence. 如果他们处在困扰中,你最后象石头一样沉默。
- Disappointed at the examination results, the top student sat there in stony silence. 对考试结果很失望,那位尖子生一言不发地坐在那儿。
- A master at provoking audiences, Kaufman could generate belly laughs, stony silence, tears or brawls. 考夫曼非常善于挑煽观众,他的表演时而令人捧腹大笑,时而令人落入沉寂,时而又令人或涕淋或怒骂。
- Disappointed at the examination results the top student sat there in stony silence. 对考试结果很失望,那位尖子生一言不发地坐在那儿。
- That evening Jou-chia paid no more attention to him, and the next morning husband and wife continued to maintain a stony silence. 当夜柔嘉没再理他。 明早夫妇间还是鸦雀无声。
- Luciano Zauri has pledged to win over the Fiorentina fans after they greeted him with stony silence due to past indiscretions. 面对我佛球迷因为过去的过节在见面会上的冷漠表现,扎乌里誓言要征服他们。
- For the people who hated her, the stony silence reinforced her image as an ice queen; for those who loved her, it was a reaffirmation of her personal strength. 对于那些憎恨她的人,无情的静默强化了她冷若冰霜的冰雪皇后形象;对于那些热爱她的人,这更进一步肯定了她的人格魅力。
- Worse: writing like a l33t script kiddie hax0r is the absolute kiss of death and guarantees you will receive nothing but stony silence (or, at best, a heaping helping of scorn and sarcasm) in return. 更糟糕的是:像小孩涂鸦般绝对是死亡之吻,保证除了石头般的寂静外不会有任何回应(或只有一堆指责与挖苦)。
- After a day at the races I was left stony broke. 一天赛马会下来,我一贫如洗。
- They all maintained a reverent silence. 他们都保持肃静。
- , "heart of stone" or "stony silence"). 4. earthiness. 3,冷漠无情(比如铁石心肠、冷漠);4,土性。
- The old bus rattled along the stony road. 那辆旧公共汽车格登格登地沿碎石路行驶。
- I hope you were never put by my long silence. 我希望你不会因为我好久不给你写信而感到不愉快。
- I hope you were never put out by my long silence. 我希望你不曾因为我好久不给你写信而感到担心。
- That evening has an ominous silence. 那晚有着不祥的寂静。
- Two of the tyres punctured on the stony road. 有两个车胎在碎石路上扎破了。