- Somatostatin-immunoreactive cells occured very numerously in the stomachus Pyloricus, moderately in the stomachus corpus, rarely in the stomachus cardiacus and occasionally in the duodenum. 生长抑素细胞在胃幽门部非常密集,胃体中等,胃贲门部较少,十二指肠偶见。
- stomachus pyloricus 胃幽门部
- The vasoactive intestinal polypeptide(VIP)-immunoreaetive cells were present mainly in the stomachus cardiacus, rarely in the stomachus corpus and pyloricus. 许多血管活性肠肽细胞分布于胃贲门部,胃体和胃幽门部少数。
- Substance P cells were only found in the stomachus pyloridus. P物质细胞仅布于胃幽门部;
- torus pyloricus 幽门圆枕
- canales pyloricus [医] 幽门管
- Pyloricus 幽门的
- stomachus 胃
- stomachus cardiacus 胃贲门部
- stomachus chylus 乳糜胃
- stomachus compositus 复胃
- stomachus glandularis 腺胃
- stomachus muscularis 肌胃
- canalis pyloricus 幽门管
- musculus sphincter pyloricus 胃幽门括约肌