- status packet inspection 状态包检测
- Found in this case, the air cargo terminals delivered immediately to the scene of the officer to open the common packet inspection. 发现此情况后,机场货站立即通知交货的有关人员赶赴现场共同进行开包检查。
- Current increase in network bandwidth and frequently network attack raise an aggressive challenge in network security systems based stateful packet inspection. 摘要 网络带宽的增长和频繁的网络攻击给状态封包检测等网络安全系统的性能带来了很大挑战。
- Abstract: The Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network traffic identification technology includes Transport Layer Identification (TLI) and Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) methods. 摘要:P2P流量检测技术可分为基于流量特征的识别方法(TLI)和基于深层数据包识别方法(DPI)。
- Deep packet inspection based on regular expressions has become extremely important due to its applications in IDS/IPS,application protocol recognition,etc. 摘要 基于正则表达式进行深度报文检测在IDS/IPS、应用层协议识别等网络应用中具有重要作用。
- Abstract:ThePeer-to-Peer(P2P)network traffic identification technology includes Transport Layer Identification (TLI) and Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) methods. P2P流量检测技术可分为基于流量特征的识别方法(TLI)和基于深层数据包识别方法(DPI)。
- A deep packet inspection engine will enable the ASIC to quickly inspect packet payloads to identify potential security threats, such as worms, that would pass through existing firewall solutions unchecked. 高级的包侦测引擎将能够使ASIC快速侦测包的有效载荷以便识别潜在的安全威胁,例如现在那些将通过防火墙而不能阻止的蠕虫病毒信息包。
- I have a coupon for ten pence off a packet of soap. 我有一张优惠券,买一盒肥皂可以便宜十便士。
- The consulate was upgraded to embassy status. 该领事馆已升格为大使馆。
- Put the packet up on the top shelf. 把这个包放到架子顶格上去。
- He is a person of important social status. 他是一个有重要社会地位的人。
- You don't really care a fig about status. 你对地位真是一点儿也不在乎。
- She bought a packet of shaved ham. 她买了一包切成薄片的火腿。
- They're undercutting us by 20p a packet. 他们以每小包比我们的便宜20便士的价格跟我们抢生意。
- Inspect and monitor the work status of the worker. 检查、监督员工的工作情况;
- He sent the waiter for a packet of cigarettes. 他让侍者去拿一盒香烟。
- The mailman brought a small packet. 邮差送来了一个小邮包。
- Inspection and Test Status Control Procedure. 检测状况控制程序。
- An advancement, especially in social status. 攀升提升,尤指在社会地位上
- He had tried hard to better his status, but failed. 他努力设法改善自己的地位,但未能成功。