The topography of the site is like a lying lion with the temple on its back.The Daluo Temple is with majestic air and stateliness stands tall by the cliff. 整座大罗宫,建于山崖峭壁之上,驮负着这座庞大宫殿的山崖,就如同一头俯卧着的混元狮子,狮背上金碧辉煌,矗立山间的大罗宫,气势浩大,庄重威严。
These two Bodhisattvas have some feminine characteristics, despite some mercy expression on their faces, the stateliness of the precious appearance is apparent. 这两幅菩萨像,也有女性化的特征,但不是很突出,尽管菩萨面部显露出悲悯之色,宝相庄严的仪态仍显得很庄重。