- stagnant air mass 停滞空气团
- A trumpet call, clear and beautiful, floated into the stagnant air. 沉浊的空气中响了一声清脆动听的喇叭。
- A cold air mass is moving southward. 冷气团正向南移动。
- The cold air masses are moving from Siberia towards Inner Mongolia. 冷空气团正由西伯利亚向内蒙古移动。
- Forced ventilation should be provided when applying paint in confined spaces or stagnant air. 在狭窄处或空气不流通处施工,必须提供强力通风。
- Thunderstorm form when a warm air mass is forced by a cold mass at a front. 当暖气团在锋面处受到冷气团的作用时,就会形成雷暴雨。
- The old and ill, however, are the most vulnerable to the acute effects of heavily polluted stagnant air. 虽然老人和病人在重度污染的不流通环境中是最脆弱的。
- The major controlling influence is the inflow of a cold, dry, air mass. 主要支配的影响是干冷气团之流入。
- Filled with the familiar smell of coffee milk stagnant air breathing on his own. 熟悉的咖啡牛奶气味弥漫停滞的空气中,自己呼吸。
- It mostly occurs if plants are grown in stagnant air, high humidity or places not bright enough. 最有可能导致失败的原因就是把植物种植在空气不流通,闷热或者没有足够光照的地方。
- It is important to bear in mind that the extreme temperatures are largely independent of advection, for they develop mostly in rather stagnant air. 重要的是要记住,极端温度与平流基本无关,因为它们主要是在相当静止的空气中形成的。
- The process of occluding air masses. 锢囚将气团锢囚的过程
- It is important to bear in mind that the extreme temperatures are largely independent of advection for they develop mostly in rather stagnant air. 重要的是要记住,极端温度与平流基本无关,因为它们主要是在相称静止的空气中形成的。
- Due to the heavy subsidence just west of the system, Hong Kong experienced very hot and hazy weather with very stagnant air. 受到其西部强下沉气流的影响,香港于该日上半部经历酷热有烟霞的天气。
- The products of combustion and of industrial processing are contained with a confined air mass. 燃烧和工业过程产物被封闭在局部气团的地区中。
- English: 328. It is important to bear in mind that the extreme temperatures are largely independent of advection, for they develop mostly in rather stagnant air. 中文:重要的是要记住,极端温度与平流基本无关,因为它们主要是在相当静止的空气中形成的。
- The relational expression between material transmit mass and fluidized air mass was obtained also. 试验还得到了物料输送量与流化空气量的关系式。
- Taiwan is currently enveloped in the cold air mass with temperatures continually dropping as expected. 目前台湾郑笼罩在冷气团当中,温度如预期的也一路下降。
- A front is a transition area between the cold and warm air masses. 锋或锋面是指冷暖气团之间的过度带。