- It is proven that the solution of the nonlinear complementarity problem is an asymptotically stable equilibrium point of the proposed differential system. 然后,对此方程组给出了一种微分方程解法,并且证明了非线性互补问题的解是微分方程系统的渐进稳定平衡点。
- Under certain conditions, there exists only one stable equilibrium point, at which the Stokes and anti-Stokes light appear with equal intensity, when the Raman-active medium is pumped by an intensive laser beam. 对于Raman光激射器诸工作点的性质及工作过程也作了进一步的讨论,发现在一定条件下,在强激射光源辐照下,存在着Stokes与反Stokes成分几乎各占一半的唯一的稳定平衡点(Raman光激射器的工作点)。
- The method performs active power perturbation analysis respectively on the stable equilibrium point of pre-fault system, the trajectory of fault-on system and transient stability of post-fault system. 应用暂态能量函数分析给出了注入空间上的实用动态安全判据,以此来量化暂态稳定性指标,从而实现对事故后系统的有功功率小扰动分析。
- Existence of Stable Equilibrium Points in Nonsymmetric Cellular Neural Networks 非对称细胞神经网络稳定平衡点的存在性
- The paper is regarding a fourth-order rational difference equation, proving that the positive equilibrium point of the equation is globally asymptotically stable. 研究了一个四阶有理差分方程,证明了该方程的正平衡点是全局渐近稳定的。
- Specially, if the death rate due to disease equals zero, the sole equilibrium point of the limit equation for endemic is asymptotically stable in global field. 特殊地,无因病死亡时,极限方程的惟一地方病平衡点是全局渐近稳定的。
- In stable equilibrium, the coalition of insiders has the same goals as outside investors. 在稳定均衡中,内部人集团与外部投资者目标一致。
- The market for browsers is roughly 50-50 today. Is this a stable equilibrium? How many browsers will survive in the market in the next 5 or so years? One? Two? Many? Why? 浏览器市场佔有率状态现在大约是50比50,这个状态会稳定平衡下去吗?五年之后市场上有几个浏览器能存活下来呢?一个、两个,或是很多个?为什麽?
- This paper provides an analysis of the formation of reciprocity and the stable equilibrium strategies of reciprocity from the perspective of game theory. 摘要本文从博弈论的角度分析了互惠的形成以及形成互惠的稳定均衡策略。
- If we let go, the elastic energy, as the spring passes through the equilibrium point, is converted to kinetic energy. 如果我们释放弹簧,那么弹簧经过平衡点时,弹性能就转变为动能。
- The first CNN layer functions as an adaptive filter which converges asymptotically to an equilibrium point in the mean. CNN的第一层功能是一只自适应渐近收敛于平衡点的滤波器。
- Comparative US/euro interest rates price itself into an equation of the dollar/euro rate, finding an equilibrium point. 当前的美元/欧元利率比将其放入美元/欧元的比率的计算公式中,就会找到一个平衡点。
- The results showed a floristic equilibrium point at 2050m elevation on Mt.Yao, northeastern Yunnan, China. 以药山自然保护区为例的区系平衡点计算结果表明,该区域的区系平衡点海拔在2050m左右;
- Yet unless a system stabilizes to an equilibrium point, it is no better than an explosion and just as soon dead. 然而,一个系统若不能在某一平衡点上保持稳定,就几乎等同于引发爆炸,迅速灭亡。
- We rst use three different methods to analyze the global stability of the unique positive equilibrium point of the system without time delay. 首先,我们利用三种不同方法分析不具时滞参数之竞争系统的整体稳定性。
- A asymptotically stability of equilibrium point of the model was analysized.The threshold is found which the epidemic or die out. 分析了该模型平衡点的渐近稳定性,得到了传染病最终消除和成为地方病的阈值。
- Several new criteria are given to ascertain the uniqueness and global asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point for the CNN with multiple time varying delays. 给出了多时变时滞细胞神经网络平衡点唯一性和全局渐近稳定的新判据.
- Several new sufficient criteria were given to ascertain the uniqueness and the global asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point for the CNN with multiple time-varying delays. 给出了多时变时滞细胞神经网络平衡点唯一性和全局渐近稳定的几个新充分判据。
- This paper analyses the dynamics of rotary inverted pendulum system and linearizes the pendulum system at the unstable equilibrium point at the "inverted" state. 摘要通过分析环型二级倒立摆系统的动力学特性,将系统的状态空间方程在“倒立”的平衡点附近进行线性化处理,应用线性二次型优控制策略。
- The floristic equilibrium point and its biogeographic significance are important for understanding the floristic origin, distribution, and spatial patterns of plant diversity. 摘要了解植物区系平衡点及其生物地理意义对于理解植物区系的起源、分化以及生物多样性空间格局的形成等方面均具有重要意义。