- spot price quotations 现货报价
- There is a cointegration relation between spot price and FFA price. 远期运费价格和现货价格之间存在协整关系;
- Considering the general market situation, your price quotations are too high. 考虑到市场的一般形势,贵公司的报价单是太高了。
- Current market price of the actual physical commodity. Also called "spot price. 实际的现货商品的目前市场价格,也叫“现货价”。
- International shopping Procurement based on comparing price quotations from at least three foreign suppliers. 国际询价采购在对至少三家国外供应商的报价进行比较的基础上进行的采购。
- Can Futures Prices Predict the Future Spot Prices? 期货价格能否预测未来的现货价格?
- About 150,000 price quotations are collected for the 350 items on a specified Tuesday near the middle of every month. 在每月中旬的特定星期四要收集350种商品的约15万种报价单。
- Spot prices are already up 20% MTD. 本月以来,铁矿石现货价格已经上涨了20%25。
- Spot prices fell last week to $80 a tonne. 上周,铁矿石现货价跌至每吨80美元。
- Select and monitor suppliers lists for bid invitations and price quotations in compliances with company policies and standards. 根据公司的决策和标准进行供应商的筛选,竞价以及报价。
- Locating suppliers, reviewing price quotations, and producing orders do not yield adequate value in today's fast paced global business environment. 定位于供应商,回顾产品报价,生产订单,在现如今如此快步伐的全球经济环境下,并不仅仅满足于适当的价值。
- A price quotation is not a legally binding promise. 报价并不是一种具有约束力的承诺。
- The more spot prices fall, the more valuable those FFAs become. 即期价格的跌幅越大,那些远期运费协议的价值也就越大。
- For instance ,errors in price quotations and delivery dates are often oversights caused by careless typing, insufficient proof-reading ,or too hasty correction of erasures. 例如,报价单和交货日期上出现的错误常常是由粗心打印、不细致的校对,或者太过匆忙的擦除修正引起的过失。
- In order to be able to check and compare price quotation, we need currently applicable insurance rates. 为了核查和比较各个报价的高低,我方需要贵公司目前所使用的保险费率资料。
- Futures price is the unbiased estimate of expected spot price, which is based on the function of risk transferring. 期货价格是未来现货价格的无偏估计,这是建立在风险转移功能基础之上的。
- Spot Price The current price at which a particular commodity can be bought or sold at a specified time and place. 现货即期价格在特定时间及地点买卖特定商品的价格。
- Storage fills up, and that causes the spot price to fall because people need to unload oil. 库存增加,进而导致现货价格下滑,因为人们需要卖掉石油。
- Article 32 A bidder may not collude with other bidders in submitting their bid price quotations or discriminate fair competition by other bidders to prejudice the legitimate rights and interests of the tenderer or other bidders. 第三十二条投标人不得相互串通投标报价,不得排挤其他投标人的公平竞争,损害招标人或者其他投标人的合法权益。