- speed field model 速度场模型
- The speed field is composed of back flow region and joint jetting region. 速度场主要由回流区和贴附射流区组成;
- Establishing reasonable ecological field model is the key problem of EFT. 生态场理论的主要问题是建立合理的生态场模型。
- The principle of the car acceleration noise is discussed and the acoustic field model for underneath car cavity is derived. 论述了轿车加速行驶噪声的原理,推导了轿车与地面间声场的声学模型。
- Direct torque control (short for DTC), is a high-efficiency control technology in the variable frequency adjustable speed field of ac motor drives. 直接转矩控制(Direct Torque Control,简称DTC)是一种高效的交流调速技术,具有优良的调速性能和快速性,但是存在着转矩脉动比较大的问题;
- Firstly, a rough motion template was obtained by motion detection based on Markov random field model and through post-processing. 该算法首先利用马尔可夫随机场模型的运动检测算法,得到运动目标的初始模板。
- And fully analyzed by rigid plastic finite element.It have obtained plastic flow field and speed field of deforming area. 并用刚塑性有限元进行了分析,得到了变形区的塑性流动场、速度场;
- The normal field model of surface charge accumulation at the gas-solid interface of insulator is analyzed. 论文对绝缘子气 -固交界面电荷积聚的法向场强模型进行了分析 ,发现现有的法向场强模型只能解释气体侧有微放电情况下的电荷积聚问题。
- In the light of the inwall depression in the process of tubular intermediate upseting, a parallel velocity field model with depression is established. 针对管坯中部锻锻变形过程中产生的内壁凹陷现象,建立了含凹陷的平行速度场模型。
- Firstly,a maximum a posteriori framework is created according to conditional random field model and Markov random field model. 首先根据条件随机场模型和马尔可夫随机场模型建立了一个最大后验概率框架。
- A multi-phase field model coupled with mass,momentum,energy and solute conservation equation was introduced to apply for macro simulation. 宏观部分着重介绍了一种耦合质量、动量、能量及溶质平衡方程的多相模型。
- Methods: The coil array of transcranial brain multichannel magnetic stimulation is designed and the theoretical field model is built in this paper. 方法:设计了一种新型经颅磁刺激仪的线圈阵列,建立在人体头部产生的电磁场模型。
- It sums up the definition,general expressing formula and general calculating method of flux in any vector field by analyzing the flux in the speed field,electric field and magnetic field of fluid. 文章通过对流体的速度场、电场和磁场中通量的解析;总结出了任意的矢量场通量的定义、一般表达式及一般计算方法.
- In accordance with the theory of heat transfer and fluid mechanics, the paper presents the stator 3D temperature field model of turbogen- erators. 根据传热学和流体力学的基本原理,提出了汽轮发电机定子三维温度场的数学模型,模型中考虑了温度场与流体场的耦合。
- ANSYS was introduced into the magnetizing system for steel pipes to improve the design of magnetization and set up magnetic field model. 将ANSYS引入钢管磁化系统分析,通过仿真试验来改进检测设备的磁化设计,建立磁场模型。
- Calculated results of finite element were consistent with the experimental results, which verified the established temperature field model. 有限元计算结果与试验结果一致,证明所建立的温度场模型是合理的。
- The new model delivers speed and fuel economy. 这种新型设计能提高速度、 节约燃料。
- Remote sensing imagesegmentation for nonstationary random field models[J]. 引用该论文 李峰;彭嘉雄;张翔.
- In order to determine the a priori distribution of these submodels, a half plane Markov random field model is utilized to describe the distribution of the line process. 半平面MRF(Markov random field)模型描述线过程的分布,以确定各个子模型的先验概率。
- No horse has a speed comparable to that of his. 没有一匹马的速度能比得上他的马。