- special operation exception 专用操作异常
- The system halted with an invalid operation exception. 系统用一个无效操作异常来中断。
- Large-diameter casing cementing is a special operation in offshore drilling. 大管径固井是海上钻井工程中的一项特殊作业。
- A special bit of the status word in a processor, which controls the processor in accordance with a operational exception. 处理器状态字中的一种专用位,它按照某种运算异常来控制处理器。
- United States Special Operations COMmand, USSOCOM. 美国特种作战司令部。
- Return Result (not last) - conveys segments of an operation except for the last segment. 返回结果(除最后) -- 传输某个操作除最后一个以外的所有段。
- The administration is ready to send special operation forces into western Iraq at the beginning of the war. 当局准备在战争初期派遣特种部队到伊拉克西部。
- Large caliber cementing is a special operation in offshore drilling engineering. 大管径固井是海上钻井工程中一项特殊的作业环节。
- VIII) The approval opinion issued by the relevant competent departments where a special operation is involved. (八)涉及特许经营的项目,需提供有权部门出具的批准意见。
- The select soldiers will be put into special operations. 优秀士兵将被安排给特别行动。
- It is a reliable sidearm for special operations personnel. 它也是一把可靠的特殊行动用个人武器。
- Bassoon diameter well cementation is one of project of maritime artesian well special operation. 大管径固井是海上钻井工程中的一项非凡作业。
- Different exemption approaches are design for health insured and self-paid patients,which include exempting 50.0% bed charges and 10.0% cost of nursing care, examination,treatment and surgical operation except medicines. 对医保病人和自费病人设定不同的减免优惠方案;包括减免50.;0%25的床位费和10
- For booleans the bitwise operators have the same effect as the logical operators except that they do not short circuit. 对于布尔值,按位运算符具有与逻辑运算符相同的效果,只是它们不会中途“短路”。
- Actually, concerned respect exerts oneself to do sth. for a long time still hereat, special operation is the accentuation in weighing only. 实际上,有关方面还是长期用力于此的,专项行动只是重中加重。
- Although restricted by special operation conditions,offshore UBD has been accepted gradually with more than 100 successful cases in foreign countries. 由于作业环境特殊,欠平衡钻井技术在海上油田的应用受到限制,但国外已有上百口井成功的先例。
- Tests for converse values. Use before any comparison operator except IS NOT NULL. 测试相反值。在除IS NOT NULL之外的任何比较运算符之前使用。
- All binary operators except for the assignment operators are evaluated in left-to-right order. 一个规律必须遵循,那就是赋值优先。
- Although restricted by special operation conditions, offshore UBD has been accepted gradually with more than 100 successful cases in foreign countries. 由于作业环境特殊,欠平衡钻井技术在海上油田的应用受到限制,但国外已有上百口井成功的先例。
- Company on the date of invoice, a special operation to do specific requirements, and the bear who features, fractionized. 连锁公司对门市、专柜经营做了具体的要求,并结合当地特点,细分购买群体。