- sound program broadcasting 声音节目广播
- A television program broadcast in color. 彩色电视播放
- This kind of radio can pick up the programmes broadcasting by BBC. 这种收音机接受BBC电台的节目比较容易。
- Resources must be made available in every community to guarantee a safe, healthy and developmentally sound program for all children. 必须提供资源在每一个社区,以保证安全,健康和发育良好的计划为所有儿童。
- One can simply change the sound program on the MIDI keyboard to alter the sound without needing to re -record the entire musical passage. 如果后来认定用管风琴的声音来演奏这一段音乐更佳,使用这种方法很容易做到。
- Short wave radios can pick up programs broadcast by many other countries. 短波收音机可以接收很多国家广播的节目。
- The sound of the broadcast program is reproduced. 广播节目的声音被再现出来。
- Navy Experimental Underwater Sound Program 海军水下音响实验计划
- international sound program center 国际声音节目中心
- The numbers and the technical issues are still important but even technically sound programs can fail if the design and installation process hits a landmine. 数字和技术上的议题仍然很重要的。但是即使技术健全,如果设计和安装程序中了地雷,项目也可能失败。
- international sound program circuit 国际声音节目电路
- international sound program link 国际声音节目链路
- A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. 健全的精神是与健康的身体是不可分割的。
- List of programs broadcast by Disney Channel 迪士尼频道的节目表
- Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt. 第一声警报一响我们就迅速卧倒。
- The Audio Frequency Processing of Program Broadcast Guizhou TV Station 贵州电视台节目播出中的音频处理
- He has told a story which sound not objective. 他讲了听起来不真实的一个故事。
- The style of programmes was innovative and pioneering, we moved from rather didactic sounding programmes to an FM friendly sound to attract the radio stations. 节目形式新颖而富有创意,我们从说教式的节目转向更适于在调频台播放的内容,以吸引广播电台的参与。
- I caught a curious sound in the neighboring room. 我听到隔壁房间里有奇怪的响声。
- I was awakened by the sound of church bells. 我被教堂的钟声吵醒。