- Yes.? And sooner rather than later! 是的。越早越好!
- Anyways I want Yao here sooner rather than later. 不管怎样,我希望姚明能早日来纽约。
- We urged them to sort out the problem sooner rather than later. 我们敦促他们及早解决那个问题。
- Mr Blair repeated that he considers the camp to be an" anomaly" that should be closed sooner rather than later. 布莱尔重申他认为关塔纳摩集中营是一项“非常措施”,应当尽早关闭。
- There are just so many opportunities online that you are bound to find your place sooner rather than later. 刚刚在网上有那么多机会找到你,你必然会发生宜早不宜迟。
- If the project falls behind schedule, decision makers will be alerted sooner rather than later. 如果项目落后于进度,决策者将提早收到提醒。
- And speaking as an American, I believe the Americans should do this now--do this sooner rather than later. 作为一个美国人来说,我认为美国人应该从现在做起---赶早不赶晚!
- Grimaldi has now revealed Amauri will be eligible for La Nazionale sooner rather than later. 格里马尔迪表态说阿毛里将很快有资格成为一个意大利公民。
- Look for them all to offer fee based custom domain URL shortener services sooner rather than later. 尽快找到需要这些服务的人,然后提供付费的以自己域名为基础的短网址服务。
- This double EPC coding may seem redundant, but it will likely pay off sooner rather than later. 这种双重的EPC编码似乎是多余的,但它可能会还清早通比晚通好。
- "You've got to put it behind you at some point, sooner rather than later," Jeter added. “你必需要把事情置于脑后,尽快总好过再等待。”
- So we see no reason to abandon the working hypothesis that the 1440 level will be retested sooner rather than later. 因此我们没有理由放弃依然有效的判断:标普很快将重新测试1440点。
- But sooner rather than later, this aerial vehicle technology will affect all of our lives. 但是不久以后,这种空中运载器技术就将影响到我们生活的方方面面。
- And this should be done sooner rather than later because the data deluge is only growing. 这是应该做的事宜早不宜迟,因为数据的泛滥,只是越来越多。
- He says there are some situations where people should get examined sooner rather than later. 他说一些情况下人们应该立马就医而不是等待状况消失。
- Like everyone in Hong Kong,I am keen to see positive changes in our economy and our quality of life come sooner rather than later. 像所有香港人一样,我非常希望尽快看见经济复苏,生活质素提升。
- Ensuring that resources are cleaned up sooner rather than later helps by making more resources available, and by better managing the lifetime. 确保尽早清理资源可使更多资源可用,也能更好地管理生存期。
- Like everyone in Hong Kong, I am keen to see positive changes in our economy and our quality of life come sooner rather than later. 像所有香港人一样,我非常希望尽快看见经济复苏,生活质素提升。
- But een at the national leel, those in the research community remain hopeful that Heller's work will reap successes sooner rather than later. 但是全国范围研究界内同行们仍期待着海勒的工作能尽快取得成功。
- If you know you have endometriosis and you are having problems conceiving then you should seek help sooner rather than later. 如果你知道你有子宫内膜异位症,你有问题的构想,那么你应该寻求帮助,早通比晚通好。