- It is doubtful whether true linearism exists in any social process or evolution. 在作何社会演变过程或进化中是否存在着真正的直线连续性是个疑问。
- The degree of industries' relevancy and technologies' dependence is increased day by day in the social process of modern mass producing. 在现代社会化大生产过程中,产业关联度和技术依存度日益增强,单项技术的突破已不能独柱擎天。
- It is also a social process in which every country pushes on structural transition, reconstructs classes composition, and adjust and readjusts itself under external pressure. 全球化也是各国内部在外界压力下推进结构变迁、阶级整合和反复调整的社会过程。
- Ultra-agressiveness, an important factor stifling adolescent’s socializing process, goes against the formation and development of adolescent’s positive personality, moral and good behavior. 中文摘要 青少年的攻击、暴力等给青少年自身、他人、家庭和社会造成了很大的不良影响。
- Through personal emotions, Li Yining's old-style poetry reflects modern social process, ponders over the history, lashes social evils and explores philosophy in life. 摘要厉以宁的旧体诗词通过个人化的感受反映了当代社会进程,沉思历史,指斥时弊,探寻人生哲理,彰显自由、民主和文明,是当代重要的精神成果。
- Education of students should be seen as a long term socialization process. 我们应视学生教育为长期的社会教化过程。
- Zigler, Edward. (1970), Social class and the Socialization Process, Review of Educational Research, (Fed.), -. 冯蓉珍(1979);影晌五年制商专学生统计学成就之学生本身因素之研究;.
- It has been contended that the reality of the social process is quite different from its appearance: we need to go beyond the misleading surface appearance to recognize its nature. 据称,社会进程的现实与其表面现象是大不相同的:我们需要透过容易令人产生误解的表面现象来认识其本质。
- As an explanation to the social process of knowledge production,Latour s scientific credibility circulation model provides a theory frame for the validity of public participation in science. 拉图尔的科学公信力循环模型,作为对知识生产的社会过程的一种解释,为公众参与科学的合法性提供了一个理论框架。
- The humanity unites consciousness is only the thing which the human socialization process fictionalizes. 人类团结的意识只是人类社会化过程所虚构的东西。
- The course emphasizes the relationship between the internal logic of legal devices and economic, political and social processes. 强调法律设置的内在逻辑与经济的、政治的以及社会的过程的关系。
- It is one of the tasks for the education in any countries to help a newborn generation melt into the society smoothly and healthily and complete the socialization process. 帮助新生一代健康地融入社会,顺利地完成社会化过程是任何一个国家教育的本职任务之一。
- functional view of social process 社会历程的功能观
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- Her social life get in the way of her study. 她的社交生活妨碍了学业。
- Mrs Brown is known as a social climber. 布朗太太是有名的趋炎附势的人。
- To further promote the commodification of housing, socialization process, the main target of future housing provident fund payment to the Housing Development Corporation to ordinary residents. 为进一步推动住房商品化、社会化的进程,今后住房公积金发放的主要对象要由住房开发公司转向普通居民。
- The nobility usually resist social changes. 贵族通常反对社会变革。
- He didn't want to be tied down to the social work. 他不想被束缚在社会工作上。
- He get weekly social security payment. 他按周领取社会保险金。