- Then social networks let the obesity spread rapidly. 当时的社会网络,让肥胖迅速蔓延。
- Other social networks have also been piling on members. 其他社交网络的用户数也节节攀升。
- The Colorful, MultiCulti Social Networks - Vote for XIHA! 在论坛和博客里轻松显示自己相册里的照片!
- The Colorful, MultiCulti Social Networks - Vote fo... 有一种友情,叫做用心回贴!
- Enlarge your“ Inner Circle”, and expand your social network. 使您成为“一个团队的纽带”,扩大您的人脉及社交圈。
- Enlarge your "Inner Circle", and expand your social network. 使您成为“一个团队的纽带”,扩大您的人脉及社交圈。
- Nature Network - a Thinking Person'S Social Network? 自然网-一个理性人的社会性网络?
- Social network is an important branch in sociology study. 摘要社会网络是社会学研究中的一个重要分支领域。
- Not long ago we had unwittingly entered a social network era! 曾几何时我们是社会已经不知不觉进入了网络时代!
- The legal system of social network and a new difficulties. 成为网络世界和法制社会的一个新的难点。
- But social networking is getting a double whammy. 但社会网络是获得双重打击。
- However, the risk from social networks may go beyond conventional cybercrime. 然而,风险由社会网络可能超越传统的网络犯罪。
- We hope it will make the social networks around products visible and navigable. 我们希望它能够让产品的社会网络具有可见性和导向性。
- Social networks healty and emotional well-being among the oldest in London[J]. 如果该信息侵犯了您的权益,我们会在收到通知24小时内删除!
- The family unit is supported by its integration into a wider social network. 只有当一个家庭融入到大的社会交往中才能得到支持。
- Matador is both an online travel magazine and a thriving social network. 我被这看似四海皆准的旅行真理的深刻意义给震慑住了。
- Thank you for being part of the Wallop beta social networking site. 直接关闭帐户,在9月18日之后就再也无法使用你的帐户。
- Some 14.34 million retirees received their pension through socialized network. 离退休人员实行社会化管理人数达到1434万人。
- Of course, the investigators say, social networks are not the only factors that affect body weight. 当然,调查人员说,社会网络不是唯一的因素,影响到体重。
- Another pitfall could come in how job seekers use social networking sites. 另一个陷阱可以来在如何求职者使用社交网站。