- The political renovation brings the social culture re-adjustment. 二、政治的革新带动整个社会文化的调整。
- Change of social culture is directly and quickly reflected in the vocabulary. 社会文化的变迁,直接、快速地在词汇中得到反映。
- So the augury ballad became a social culture phenomenon which had extensive influence. 所以谶谣是对唐代社会具有广泛影响的文化现象。
- The change of the anamorphosis means the change of social culture status and social value. 一个人的语言变体的改变意味着社会文化身份的改变和社会价值观念的改变。
- In the support of Frank kings especially Charlemagne, monasteries dominated in the social culture. 在法兰克时期尤其是查理大帝的支持下,修道院在文化领域中位居主导地位。
- The paper also explores how the fact that lots of the Blang women married out effect on the local social culture. 文章还探讨了布朗族女性大量嫁往内地这一现象对布朗族社会文化的影响。
- But few articles have done some special research about what idiomatic phrase reflects about social culture. 但对于惯用语所反映的社会文化内容,很少有文章进行系统和专门的研究。
- And it accords with poetic social culture mentality in the period: lechery and longevity. 而这恰好符合此时文人既嗜欲又延年的社会文化心理。
- Assorted social culture is a combined result of street culture, realism and punk music style. 杂普文化是街头文化、写实主义以及朋克风结合的产物。
- Calisthenics is a physical exercise, also a social culture, a culture of "beauty", a culture that varies with people. 摘要健美操是一种体育运动,更是一种社会文化,一种“美”的文化,一种因人而异的文化。
- The content of psychogenic disorder and expression, also concern with social culture. 心理障碍的内容与表现,也与社会文化有关。
- The research works of humanized design about city plaza concern psychology, behaviorism, social culture. 论文从心理、行为、文化三个层面就城市广场人性化设计展开研究工作。
- In regard this, this essay tempts to probe the inner drive of swordsmen literature hotness from the psychology of social culture and aesthetic appreciation. 其中受众的社会文化心理和审美心理是武侠文学热的内在动因。
- Her various unique contributions have provided more free choices for society, enriching and adding color to the social culture. 甚至由于他们的各种新奇的贡献,也为社会提供了多样的自由选择,让社会的文化生活变得丰富而多彩。
- The Anti-Japanese War left us a precious social cultural inheritance. 摘要抗日战争为我们留下了一笔珍贵的精神文化遗产。
- The social cultural sign defines women's beauty in distinct definitions indeed. 社会文明的体征,对于各类女性美的界定,东西方确实存在不同定义。
- The paper clarifies the social culture influences of Rus sian and Chinese animal vocabularies by showing a lot of living examples. 本文举出大量表动物语汇的实例,详细分析阐明了中俄在动物语汇方面对社会文化的影响。
- It entrusts Chinese traditional culture with the surmounting character, and gives the social culture's savor with the positive affection. 它赋予中国文化以超越的品格,对社会文化品味的提高起到了积极的促进作用。
- Research on social culture changes often reviewed developing track of diachronic evolution in a community or group society. 摘要社会文化变迁研究往往揭示出一个社区或群体社会历时性演变的发展轨迹。
- The book focuses on understanding the text, helping the learner to percept the social culture involved in the Chinese language. 本书的关注点在对课文的理解和感悟上,引导学习者体会汉语所涉及的社会文化。