- smic seiche 地震假潮
- SMIC more into the long-term strategy. 中芯有更长远的融入策略。
- Thank you for using SMIC Solder Recovery System! 感谢您购买斯迈克锡渣还原机产品!
- SMIC, China's largest chipmaker, is not alone in its suffering. 中芯国际作为中国最大的芯片制造商,并非唯一一家遭遇困境的企业。
- In this harsh environment, as an industry, SMIC can not be avoided. 在这样严酷的环境下,作为业界一员,中芯也无法回避。
- Bedrock beneath Hebgen Lake warped and rotated, causing a seiche in the lake. 赫布根湖底的基岩发生了翘曲和旋转,引起湖中浪涌。
- SMIC acquired its fourth 8-inch fab facility, Fab 7, located in Tianjin. 此外,中芯已收购其第四座位于天津的8英寸芯片代工厂,称之为“七厂”。
- Followed by the trade rumors Datang Holdings intends to SMIC shares. 随后业内传言大唐控股有意入股中芯国际。
- When at SMIC school, observe the school discipline and rules, and follow the arrangement of school. 在学习期间,遵守校规校纪,一切听从学校安排。
- The synthesis result based on SMIC 0.18um library shows that the throughput rate is 8.2Gbit/s. 对SMIC0.;18um的综合结果显示;该设计的加、解密速率可以达到8
- The periods of seiche oscillation in Lake Biwa, Japan were computed according to the hydrodynamics equations with the main period being about 69. 5 minutes. 利用水动力学方程对日本琵琶湖表面定振波进行了计算和分析;结果表明其主要周期约为69.;5min。
- A 200K-system-gate FDT architecture is designed with SMIC 0.18um 6-metal-layer CMOS digital process. 采用SMIC 0.;18um 6层金属CMOS数字工艺,设计了一个20万系统门规模的FDT结构。
- I give permission for my child to be treated at the Health Services of The SMIC Private School if needed. 若学生在学校感到不舒服时,您是否同意将小孩送至中芯学校医务室治疗。
- SMIC was down 7.19 percent before the suspension was reported the Hong Kong dollar 0.155. 中芯国际停牌前下跌7.;19%25报0
- SMIC is the introduction of strategic investors has been the beginning of last year, which has twists and turns. 中芯国际引入战略投资者一事去年初传出消息,其间可谓一波三折。
- The seminars also gave insight on SMIC's latest products, technologies and services. 中芯国际的最新产品、最新技术和服务等也都通过此次研讨会使大家更加了解。
- SMIC's Fab1 was named“ Top Fab of the Year” for2003 by Semiconductor International, a leading semiconductor industry publication. 中芯国际一厂在试产后仅一年多的时间内,就荣获半导体业界知名杂志《半导体国际》颁发的“2003年度最佳半导体厂”奖项。
- Finally, check design rules which is provided by foundry SMIC, including DRC, LVS, and ERC and fix all of violations. And fix poly density violations. 最后,根据中芯国际提供的设计规则文件,对最终的版图进行包括DRC、LVS、ERC 的设计规则检查并修复故障,并对存在的多晶硅密度不足的规则违反提出修改方法。
- The estimated gates of our proposed architecture in SMIC 0.18 um technology are 15 500 and the estimated frequency of operation is 150 MHz. 对该结构使用Verilog HDL语言进行RTL级描述;在SMIC 0.;18 um工艺下综合得到最高工作频率为150 MHz;等效门数是15 500门。
- Utilisation rates of their factories have dropped to 45 per cent in Chartered's case and around 20 per cent in SMIC's case. 特许半导体的工厂利用率已经下降到了45%25,而中芯国际则在20%25上下。