- Some old machines in the workshop sit idle. 车间里有几台旧机器闲置不用。
- If we had been allowed to sit idle, we should all have fallen in she blues. 假使当初让我们虚度光阴的话; 我们都会感到伤心的。
- A climax was near and she would not sit idle. 危机已经迫在眉睫,她不会善罢甘休的。
- Xiao Wu prefers to work rather than sit idle. 小吴喜欢工作而不喜欢闲坐。
- I prefer to work rather than sit idle. 我宁愿工作也不喜欢闲坐。
- She prefers to read rather than sit idle. 她喜欢读书而不愿闲坐着。
- I prefer to read rather than sit idle. 我宁愿读书而不愿闲坐着。
- Come,O come to my lake if you must sit idle. 来吧,到我的湖边来吧,如果你必须悠然闲坐。
- Be a man ever so rich, he should not sit idle and do nothing. 无论一个人有多么富,也不应该闲坐而无所事事。
- He is more considerate than to sit idle while others are busy. 他是很体贴的人,决不会看着别人忙而自己去游手好闲。
- I could sit idle all through a Sunday morning and look at her. 我可以在整个礼拜天早上坐在那里懒懒散散的,只是望着她。
- How can one sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others' labour? 怎能坐享其成?
- If we had been allowed to sit idle,we should all have fallen in she blues. 假使当初让我们虚度光阴的话;我们都会感到伤心的。
- So do not sit idle thinking you will always be in top notch condition! 因此不要闲下来无事可做,而滞足不前。
- How can we sit idly by and watch him go astray? 咱们哪能眼看着他走邪道不管呢?
- Mike doesn't study at all.Instead, he sits idle all day. 迈克根本不肯读书, 相反地, 他终日游手好闲。
- If we had been allowed to sit idle, we should all have fallen in the blues but Captain Smollett was never the man for that. 我们如果闲坐在那里,准会一个个变得意志消沉,但斯摩莱特船长决不允许出现这样的情况。
- If there are more threads than partitions, the excess threads sit idle while the partitions are processed. 如果线程数多于分区数,则在处理分区时,超出的线程处于空闲状态。
- UI threads sit idle most of the time and wait for messages to arrive in their message loops. UI线程绝大多数时间处于空闲状态,等待消息循环中的消息到来。
- Downloading files might take time, youll waste much time if you just sit idle and wait the download finishes. 下载文件花时间,要是你干等着下载结束就浪费了很多时间。