- “the very same man”中的“very”是一个强语意的副词。 "Very" in "the very same man" is an intensive adverb.
- n. (=of the same)同样 ejusd.
- [appear,collect,sing+] 亲自 in person
- 说完,the old man就把snake放进一个pot里。 This snake is my dear boy.
- Sing还为一些技术杂志投稿,并参加一些开放源码社区。 Sing also writes for technical magazines and participates in open source communities.
- 取消“大锅饭” ", " give up the practice of ", " ", " eating from the same big pot ", "; abolish egalitarianism
- 老兄'old chap' (form of address between male friends)
- 当事件发送是应用程序关键路径的一部分时,多数情况下通常使用SAME事务模式。 The SAME transaction mode is most commonly used when the event emission is part of the critical path for the application.
- 模拟游戏爱好者Sing Li将您带入统治终极王国的快速通道。 Simulation-gaming enthusiast Sing Li puts you on the fast track to ultimate kingdom domination.
- 她碰到一个old man. The old man has a lot of donkeys.
- 魔鬼俗称Old Nick. The Devil is vulgarly referred to as 'Old Nick'.
- Sing是一位顾问和多产的作家,具有二十多年的行业工作经验,编写了 Sing is a consultant and an active author with over two decades of industry experience. He has contributed to
- 在词组old man中,old修饰man "old" modifies "man" in old man
- 词尾处一个或多个音节的脱落,如现代英语里的sing是由中古英语singen一词变来的 the loss of one or more sounds from the end of a word,as in Modern English sing from Middle English singen
- 喂 ,是old Country Inn吗? Hello. Is this the Old Country Inn?
- 耶稣被钉死在十字架上。与the连用 The crucifying of Jesus on Calvary. Used with the.
- 从形态关系上看,“sing”、“singer”和“song”都是由同一个词派生出来的。 The morphological relation between "sing" and "singer" and "song" is derivational.
- old lady (俗称英格兰银行) 老妇人
- THE蛋白 THE gene
- (指动词)强的,不规则的(用元音变化而不用添加词尾d、ed或t的方法构成过去式的,如sing,sang) (grammar)(of a verb)forming the past tense by a vowel change(eg sing,sang),not by adding -d,-ed or -t