- 老兄'old chap' (form of address between male friends)
- 嘿, 老兄! Hi there, buddy!
- 她碰到一个old man. The old man has a lot of donkeys.
- 国防开支耗掉了预算的39%。 Defence expenditures chew up 39 per cent of the budget.
- 魔鬼俗称Old Nick. The Devil is vulgarly referred to as 'Old Nick'.
- 老兄,不用忙。 That is easy, buddy.
- 39码 39 bar code
- 在词组old man中,old修饰man "old" modifies "man" in old man
- 39届 39th
- 嘿,老兄! Hi there,buddy!
- 喂 ,是old Country Inn吗? Hello. Is this the Old Country Inn?
- CR-39 CR-39
- 老兄啊!你该找点正经事作,别再打电话给我的女朋友了。 Man, you need to get a life. Stop calling my girl.
- old lady (俗称英格兰银行) 老妇人
- PR-39 PR-39
- 雷得老兄也太爱抬杠了。 What a contrary guy Red was.
- 嗯 ,等一等。Old Country Inn? Uh hold it. Old Country Inn?
- 合丰39 hefeng39
- 唉呀!老兄!这个房间脏得是脏的不象话。你上回打扫房子是什么时候哇? A: Oh, man. This room is an absolute armpit! Whens the last time you cleaned this place?
- 字串years old是一个字串文字。 The string years old is a string literal.