- Sometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom. 有时候爱情像朵含羞的花,需要时间去绽放。
- Sometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time toblosoom. 有时爱情是朵含蓄的花需要时间才能怒放.
- I asked the Buddha: Why not give all women let the moon fade so shy flowers face?Buddha said: It was just one of the Epiphyllum is used to deceive the eyes of the secular. 过于追求精神层面的东西,久了,让人觉得很空,很假,没有现实来得真实,具体;
- The court is acting in loco parent. 正以家长地位行为的法院。
- The shy girl tried to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. 那个怕羞的女孩子尽量使自己不被人注意。
- The shy men may be the very brethren of David. 那些羞怯男人大概就是大卫的教友们。
- He's very shy and needs to be drawn out. 他很腼腆,需要鼓励才肯说话。
- We are still a little shy of our quota. 我们离完成定额还差一点点。
- Being a parent can be hard work. 当父母可是件辛苦的事。
- The flowering shrubs were a scarlet flame. 花丛一片嫣红。
- He always fought shy of the fellow. 他总是避开这家伙。
- Tell the gardener to trim up these flower beds. 让园丁把这些花圃修剪一下。
- She is shy about singing in public. 她不好意思在大众面前唱歌。
- Greed is the parent of many evils. 贪婪是万恶之根源。
- He was too shy to talk to anyone at the party. 在晚会上他很腼腆,没有和任何人讲话。
- Alice is very shy, try to bring her out. 爱丽丝很怕羞,要设法鼓励他说话。
- A condition, time, or period of flowering. 花期一种开花的状态、一段开花的时间或时期
- The firm will be incorporated with the parent company. 这家公司马上就要同总公司合并。
- The flower languished from lack of water. 花因缺水而枯萎。
- All the children fight shy of lessons. 孩子们都不愿做功课。