- Does he not shed tears of joy as well as grief? 他不是忽而乐极而涕,忽而痛极而号吗?
- She smiled and could not hold back tears of joy. 她笑了起来,禁不住流下喜悦的眼泪。
- Tears of joy streamed down her face. 喜悦的泪水从她的脸上流下来。
- Tears of joy sprang to [into] her eyes. 她眼中涌出了高兴的泪水,
- She was so happy that she shed tears of delight. 她因为太幸福了,所以喜极而泣。
- Tears of joy sprang from her eyes. 她高兴得眼泪夺眶而出。
- Her eyes filled with tears of joy. 她的眼眶里饱含着幸福的热泪。
- Her eyes were filled with tears of joy. 她眼里饱含着幸福的泪水。
- There are tears of joy in her eyes. 她眼里含着喜悦的泪花。
- shed tears of joy 流下高兴的眼泪
- On its annual return they will shed tears, copious, gushing tears, not of anguish or sorrow, but of exultation, of gratitude, and of joy. 这眼泪,不再是被奴役的屈辱之泪,不再是痛苦忧伤之泪,而是欢欣鼓舞、感恩戴德与喜庆欢乐的热泪。
- With tears of joy,he enfolded his long-lost daughter in his arms. 他热盈眶,紧紧地抱住失散多年的女儿。
- Seeing her aunt, the orphan's eyes welled tears of joy. 一见到她姑妈,孤儿眼里那快乐的泪水就夺眶而出。
- Shed tears of be, upsurge in the heart of, not only is only touched. 流泪的当口,心中涌起的,不仅仅是感动。
- When I shed tears of disappointment, you continue to comfort me with love. 我对自己感到失望而落泪,可是您依然满怀慈爱地安慰我。
- De Gaulle said was "not shed tears of deficits." Correct and wonderful. 戴高乐说是“不流眼泪的赤字”,正确而精彩。
- With tears of joy, he enfolded his long-lost daughter in his arms. 他热盈眶,紧紧地抱住失散多年的女儿。
- One day he slipped out of the farm, what happened, why he finally shed tears of repentance? 有一天他溜出了农场,碰上了哪些事,为何最后他流下忏悔的眼泪?
- Mum, Wilma admitted that she shed tears of happiness after Dakota was able to see her face for the first time. 妈妈威尔玛承认当戴克特第一次看到她面孔的时候,她流下了幸福的泪水。
- Her eyes welled tears of joy. 她眼中涌出欢乐的泪水。