- Strong sexual attraction or desire. Used with the. 强烈的性吸引或性欲。与the连用
- Sexual attraction felt by an adult toward a child or children. 恋童症成年人感到的对一个或几个儿童有性吸引力
- Love is based on sexual attraction originally. 原始的爱只是一种基于性吸引的冲动。
- Sexual attraction is a large part of falling in love. 堕入爱河很大部份是由于性吸引。
- Physical or sexual attractiveness. 肉体或性方面的吸引力
- When a man sees a beautiful, young, sexy woman, he INSTANTLY feels a sexual attraction. 当一个男人看见一个年轻美丽性感的女人;他马上感到一种性的吸引.
- But sexual attraction is based on spontaneity, unpredictability and, to Obama's point, a little mystery. 但是性的吸引力却是自发的、不可预见的,对于奥巴马来说,也有些许的神秘。
- This miracle of sudden intimacy is often facilitated if it is combined with, or initiated by, sexual attraction and consummation. 这种男女之间突如其发的奇迹般的亲密之所以容易发生,往往是同性的吸引力和性结合密切相关或者恰恰是由此而引起的。
- The female's decision hinged on the presence of the gene for oxytocin, a hormone neurotransmitter associated with bonding, trust, and sexual attraction in humans. 雌性鼠的决定有赖于催产素基因的存在,催产素是一种与人类异性结合,彼此信任和互相性吸引的神经递质激素。
- Dr George Fieldman, a psychologist at Buckingham Chilterns University College who specialises in research into sexual attraction, said: "It's certainly true that people look for symmetry in a mate. 研究者们认为女性对平衡性的看重恰恰证实了她们在选择配偶时要比男性慎重。女性通常承担了照顾小孩的大部分工作。
- She finds him sexually attractive. 她觉得他富有性魅力。
- Odorless pheromones are secreted by many animals to attract mates. But they're also synthesized and marketed to consumers as potions to increase sexual attractiveness. 许多动物为了吸引配偶,分泌没有任何气味的信息素。但是信息素也可人工合成,以小瓶试剂的方式推向市场,卖给想增加性吸引力的消费者。
- an irresistible sexual attraction to dead bodies. 对于死尸的狂热性冲动。
- Losing teeth may symbolize a feeling of - or fear of - getting older or impotent or losing sexual attractiveness. 掉牙代表一种情感,一种惧怕,惧怕变老、衰弱、或者失去性的吸引力。
- The third is that people use it to heighten or fortify natural scent, and thus advertise sexual attractiveness or availability. 第三,人们使用香水是为了巩固和提高自然体香,藉此展示自身的性吸引力以及愿意被追求的态度。
- The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides. 月球对地球的吸引力造成潮汐。
- A sexually attractive man with a well-developed physique. 有魅力的健壮男子肌肉发达的性感的有吸引力的男子
- Pheromones clearly act as sexual attractants in the animal world. Older male elephants, for example, exude sexual prowess with a mix of chemicals the younger bulls can't muster. 信息素显然在动物世界起性引诱剂的作用。例如,年纪大的雄性大象利用一组年轻的公象所没有的化学成分来展示它们的性能力。
- She felt a strong attraction to him. 她感到他对她有强烈的吸引力。
- Beefcake is often used to denote male sexual attractiveness stemming from physical build, but is also used by women and men interested in bodybuilding and weight training. 这个词不光可以用来表现男子健美身材的吸引力,同时它也被一些希望塑造完美体形和减肥的男女所使用。