- An X-Y plotter should be able to plot any number of series lines on a 2-D plane. X-Y坐标图应该能够绘制出2-D飞机上的任意数量的级数线。
- The DK series line my plant produces to incise machine bed contain seven kinds of model number ten various speficications. 泰州市力精数控机械厂是专业从事电加工数控精密机床的生产厂家。
- VB &VM series Line Array Speaker is a stylish new design to meet the development trend of modern science, it exploits a new area of development for PA system. VB和VM系列的线性阵列音箱是一款设计时尚新颖,适应现代科学发展潮流,开拓了公共广播发展的新领域。
- Ride a horse to ride a horse book process flow: book technological process click here to view all news picture binding: divided into ventilative westries binding, binding and a paperback series line. 骑马订书工艺功程: 骑马订书工艺功程点击此处查察全部故事图片胶装:不合为通气胶装、磨脊胶装及串线简装。
- A series of provocations led up to the border war. 一系列的挑衅事件导致了边境战争的发生。
- He rapped out a series of curt commands. 他大声发出了一连串简短的命令。
- Her story was nothing but a series of fabrications. 她说的完全都是编造的。
- That new television series is not up to much. 那部新的电视系列片的效果并不十分理想。
- This victory has squared the series. 赢了这一场,把这组赛事的总分拉平了。
- A series of interconnected points. 一系列相互连接的点。
- A series of tremors often precedes an earthquake. 地震前常发生一连串的微震。
- His word is long enough to run in series. 他的话,长到足以连成一串。
- Add series lines, drop lines, high-low lines, or up-down bars to a chart 通过添加条型或线型使图表数据便于阅读
- The position of a figure in a numeral or series. 位某一数列中一个数目的位置
- The road straightens (out) after a series of bends. 这条路经过几个转弯之後就直了。
- The new series of golf holidays fill a gap in the market. 新的高尔夫度假系列填补了市场的一个空白。
- His words were long enough to run in series. 他的话,长到足以连成一串。
- The TV series became popular across the country. 这部电视连续剧在全国各地广受欢迎。
- A rapid series of light, tapping sounds. 劈劈啪啪声,卜卜声一系列快速的、连续的轻拍声