- separated fissile material 分离可裂变物
- To make the fissile material, he needs to develop an ability to enrich uranium. 为了得到分裂物质,他需要发展浓缩铀的能力。
- The hybrid breeders can provide plenty of fissile material for PWR or FBR. 聚变-裂变混合堆可以为压水堆或快堆提供充足的核燃料。
- To make the fissile material,he needs to develop an ability to enrich uranium. 为了得到分裂物质,他需要发展浓缩铀的能力。
- Experts say there are two ways to make fissile material for nuclear weapons. 有关专家说,要把矿石原料制成核武器有两种办法。
- Creating lots of fissile material that might be pinched by terrorists is an odd way to look for security anyway. 不管怎么说,制造大量可能会被恐怖分子偷窃的核燃料是寻求能源安全的蹩脚办法。
- This study could be applied to the fissile material safeguard, such as nuclear monitoring and verifying. 这一研究对有关核材料的监控、核查等安全保障技术有重要的应用价值。
- The other would end the production of fissile materials for bombs. 另外一项条约,禁止所有炸弹用途的裂变物质生产。
- Iran has dismissed comments by the top US military chief that it has enough fissile material to make a nuclear bomb. 伊朗否认了美国高级军事长官说伊朗有足够的可分裂材料来制造核炸弹。
- Reinvigorated diplomacy on a treaty cutting off the production of fissile material for weapons might do so as well. (重振外交上努力,加速武器级裂变材料的禁产谈判也可以起到修补全球不扩散制度的作用。
- U.S. officials said there was no fissile material found at the Syrian site or any evidence Damascus was developing an atomic weapon. 据美国官员说,叙利亚的这处设施里没有看到有核裂变物质或其他显示该国正在发展核武器的迹象。
- Maples said should the six-party talks break down, the North was likely to respond by resuming production of fissile material at Yongbyon. 梅波思认为,如果六方会谈破裂,朝鲜可能恢复宁边的裂变材料生产,以此作为回应。
- They are continuing to pursue fissile material, which is probably the most challenging aspect of a nuclear weapons program. 他们正在购买分裂性材料,可能是核武器程式最大的困难部分。
- Atomic scientists are predicting that Iran will have acquired enough fissile material for its own bomb by the end of this year. 原子能学家预计伊朗将在年底获得足够的可用于制造核武器的分裂物质。
- And we will call upon countries to begin negotiations in January on a treaty to end the production of fissile material for weapons. 我们将呼吁各国从明年一月开始谈判一项协议,以终止可用于武器的裂变材料的生产。
- Since 1998,his efforts to reconstitute his nuclear program have been focused on acquiring the third and last component,sufficient fissile material to produce a nuclear explosion. 自从1998年开始,他就开始重新运做他的核武器计划,并注重获得第三种和最后一种元素,足够的分裂物质产生核爆炸。
- Breach offers money with compensatory sex complemental, include to reduce the world to put an amount further level and etc of recycle lack fuel are fissile material. 缺口用补充性供货补足 ,包括进一步减少世界存量水平和再循环乏燃料及其他易裂变材料。
- These, however, are modest concessions, unlikely to get the Iranians to abandon a 20-year-old uranium enrichment project, a process that can create fissile material for warheads. 欧盟在与伊朗进行谈判的同时,也与美国就伊朗核问题进行了长达数周的磋商,相互做出让步。欧盟答应,在核会谈失败后,将支持美国将伊朗核问题提交给联合国安理会。
- The few fissile materials could not maintain the chain type response(overwhelming majority neutron escape). 少量的裂变材料不能维持链式反应(绝大多数中子逃逸了)。
- There are no prospects for breaking this impasse on the immediate horizon, even though the US has recently distanced itself from the fissile material issue over verification issues, said a senior non-US diplomat. 一名非美国的高级外交官说,当前没有任何可以打破这种僵局的迹象,尽管美国已经自己将裂变材料话题引伸到了进行核查的方面。