- We should do away with the sedentary lifestyle. 我们应该抛弃久坐的生活方式。
- Blame was placed on a sedentary lifestyle and foods high in fat and sugar. 导致肥胖的罪魁祸首为久坐的生活方式以及富含脂肪和糖的食物。
- Sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise increase the risk of obesity by lowering the energy output of our body. 缺乏运动的生活模式,会减低身体的热量支出,增加肥胖的风险。
- Hardly surprising, then, that researchers blame this sedentary lifestyle for our weight gain. 所以,研究人员将发胖归咎于这种久坐的生活习惯不无道理。
- A sedentary lifestyle increases the propensity to aging-related diseases and premature death. “久坐不动的生活方式会增加患衰老相关疾病和夭亡的可能性。
- The study of 2,401 twins found that a sedentary lifestyle raises the risk of a range of problems from heart disease to cancer and appears to play a key role in the ageing process. 这项对2401对双胞胎开展的研究发现,久坐的生活习惯会增大患心脏病和癌症等一系列疾病的风险,而且是影响衰老进程的关键因素。
- Overnutrition is associated with a sedentary lifestyle and the continuous availability of food in more affluent countries. 营养过剩则与久坐习惯及富裕国家中食物丰富有关。
- This prosperity has bought a sedentary lifestyle and a sugary diet, which may have triggered a genetic predisposition to diabetes among Arabs. 繁荣带来了凝滞不动的生活习惯和嗜糖的饮食结构,在阿拉伯人中这容易诱发高血糖的遗传倾向。
- Objective: Sedentary lifestyle and western diet promote subacute-chronic inflammation, obesity and subsequently dysglycemia. 目的:久坐不动的生活方式和西方饮食促进拿了亚急性-慢性炎症、肥胖及随后的血糖失调的发生发展。
- However, they were more likely to have a history of cardiovascular disease than those with a sedentary lifestyle, the researchers reported. 研究人员指出,然而,与习惯于久坐的人相比,他们却更易患心血管疾病。
- With a modern, sedentary lifestyle it is very easy to put on weight.Here are some practical tips to fight the flab and get your weight down. 现代一成不变的生活方式很容易使人发胖,所以我们在这里为你提供了一些实用的减肥小贴士。
- A quick look at medical history would have sufficed to understand that infectious diseases have accompanied humans ever since they opted for a sedentary lifestyle. 匆匆浏览一下人类的病史就能完全理解,自人类选择了静态生活方式以后传染病一直陪伴着人类。
- That study suggests that the same sedentary lifestyle that has fueled the obesity epidemic may also contribute to a wave of Alzheimer's cases in the next few decades. 这项研究说,久坐不动的生活方式使肥胖更为流行,同样也会使老年痴呆症在未来的几个世纪席卷而来。
- For the study, 77 employees from Geneva University with a sedentary lifestyle were recruited to take only the stairs over a three-month period, Swissinfo reported. 作为研究,77个日内瓦大学的习惯坐着工作的员工被雇佣三个月,期间上下楼只能用电梯,瑞士信息报道。
- The major environmental factors that increase the risk of type 2 diabetes are overnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, with consequent overweight and obesity(39,40). 增加2型糖尿病危险的主要环境因素是营养过度和久坐的生活方式,导致身体超重和肥胖(39,40)。
- Growing affluence, a penchant for eating and a sedentary lifestyle have swollen the ranks of people who are overweight or obese in Hong Kong and China, doctors say. 医生表示,在中国,人们生活条件的日渐富裕,对吃的日益讲究,经常喜欢吃完了就坐着。这些因素导致了肥胖人群数量越来越高。
- Among Hong Kong IDMM patients. a more sedentary lifestyle was associated with less drug compliance,which in turn was related to poorer treatment outcome. 但在香港病人中,怠倦的生活模式与服药的服从程度有关联。而且,服药的服从程度越低则医治糖尿效果越差。
- The growing prevalence of the disease is often attributed to urbanization, fast-food diets, smoking and sedentary lifestyles characteristic of Western societies. 心脏病发病率攀升的现象往往被归咎于城市化、快餐饮食、吸烟以及久坐不动等西式生活方式。
- Fatty fast-food diets combined with sedentary lifestyles dominated by televisions and computers could mean kids will die tragically young, says Professor Andrew Prentice, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. 伦敦卫生及热带医学学院的安德鲁·普伦蒂斯教授认为,脂肪含量过高的快餐饮食,加上电视和电脑使得孩子们养成了久坐不动的生活方式,极有可能大大缩短年轻一代的寿命。