- second messenger system 第二信使系统
- the second messenger system 第二信使系统
- Advances of Studies on the Involvement of the Second Messenger System and Gene Expression in the Effect of Acupuncture 第二信使系统和其介导的基因表达对针灸效应影响的研究
- Abstract : The sphingomyelin pathway is a ubiquitous signaling system, in which ceramide acts as a second messenger. 摘 要 :鞘磷脂途径是一普遍存在的信号系统。
- METHODS:The impact of SPP on splenocyte cAMP level as the second messenger in mice was in investigated. 方法:采用竞争性蛋白结合分析法,研究螺旋藻多糖( Spirulina platen?sis polysaccharides,SPP) 对小鼠脾细胞中第二信使环腺苷酸(cAMP) 浓度的影响。
- The discovery of cAMP and description of the second messenger hypothesis by Sutherland is the landmark of signal transduction. 萨瑟兰cAMP的发现和第二信使假说的提出是信号转导研究中里程碑式的事件。
- Objective To study regulation of Bifidobacterium on second messenger DAG and explain mode of molecule between normal flora and its host. 目的探讨双歧杆菌对人类大肠癌细胞第二信使DAG的调控作用,解释菌群影响机体的分子生物学机制。
- Moreover, the internal cellular Ca 2+ could act as a second messenger to transduct the drought signal, and regulate the physiological responses induced by drought stress. 此外 ,细胞内Ca2 +可作为第二信使传递干旱信号 ,调节干旱胁迫导致的生理反应。
- Calcium ion exists extensively in cells as the second messenger,and calcium channel blocker (CCB) is widely used to treat cardiac, skeletal muscular diseases. 钙离子作为细胞内第二信使,广泛存在于体细胞内,因而钙通道拮抗剂(CCB)被广泛应用于心脏、骨骼肌和神经元等研究及心血管疾病治疗。
- Cell membrane receptor and its second messenger are significant for annotate mechanism of optic neural accommodation and nosogenesis of some ophthalmopathy. 细胞膜受体及其第二信使对于解释眼的神经调节机制及了解某些眼病的发病机理十分重要。
- These findings suggested that taurine could prot ect the damage of myocardium from change of second messenger and Ca2+ ov erload after exhaustive exercise. 结果提示:牛磺酸可显著抑制力竭运动后大鼠心肌第二信使水平的升高及心肌线粒体中钙超载现象,说明牛磺酸有减轻和防止力竭运动后心肌损伤的作用。
- ObjectivesIn eukaryocyte,Nitric Oxide(NO) has many biological function as a second messenger and neurotransmitter,It has wide biology and antivirus effect,participate in many physiological and pathological procession. 研究目的真核细胞中一氧化氮(NO)作为第二信使和神经递质发挥着多种不同的功能,具有广泛的生物学效应和抗病毒作用,参与机体的多种生理及病理过程,其对疾病发生及发展的影响是近年来研究的热点。
- PtdIn(3,4)P2 can also be generated by class II PI3Ks, and PIP2 can function as a second messenger like PIP3 to recruit pleckstrin-homology(PH)-domain-containing proteins, such as AKT. 不需要激活:有关一点下面的一段中可知PIP2可由II型PI3K介导产生,是否是激活我不敢断定,因为未看到原文。至少可以肯定PIP2也可以作为第二信使来传递信号。
- Ceramide as an important member of sphingolipid is a second messenger responsible for regulating cellular activities, whose major function is to transmit growth-inhibiting signals including apoptotic. 神经酰胺作为神经鞘脂类的主要成员之一,是一个主要调节细胞活动的第二信使,以转导细胞凋亡等细胞生长抑制活动信号为主。
- In conclusion, 10ng/mL and 1ng/mL Thymulin significantly enhanced the immunological function of chicken splenic lymphocyte, which was completed through the second messenger of cAMP, Ca2+, IP3 and PKC. 胸腺九肽通过cAMP、Ca2+、IP3和PKC第二信使途径发挥免疫调节作用。
- Sildenafil, a type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor, lowers pulmonary ascular resistance in pulmonary hypertension by augmenting intracellular leels of the nitric oxide second messenger, cyclic GMP. 昔多芬是一种磷酸二酯酶抑制剂,在肺动脉高压时,它可通过增加细胞内NO第二信使-cGMP水平来降低肺血管阻力。
- If you use “instant messenger” systems, your chat becomes a dialogue, which is a lot of fun and can help strengthen the growing friendship. 如果你使用 " 立即的报信者 " 系统,你的闲谈变成对话,这是许多乐趣和能帮助加强成长的友谊。
- Second messenger signaling and signal transduction 第二信号传递与信号传导药物设计
- Hcrmone , n nutransmitt cell factors,growth factor from the extraceliular are called the first messenger cAMP, cGMP, W3,DAG,Cain cytoplasm are called the second messengers. 胞外第一信使(包括激素、神经递质、细胞因子、生长因子等)与其特异受体结合后,被激活的受体通过刺激特定的效应酶或离子通道,而在胞浆内产生第二信使(包括cAMP,cGMP;IP_3,DAG;Ca~(2+)等);
- second messenger operated Ca2+ channels 第二信使活化钙通道