- Keywords Pillarless sublevel mining,Scraper shovel size,Multiobjective fuzzy decision-making,Large scaling of mining structural parameter,Large scaling of ore-drawing equipment; 无底柱分段崩落法;铲运机斗容;多目标模糊决策;采矿结构参数大型化;出矿设备大型化;
- He put a shovel of coal on to the fire. 他往火炉里加了一铲煤。
- We removed the loose paint with a scraper. 我们用刮刀将剥起的漆铲去。
- scraper shovel 耙斗
- The giant shovel is biting off big chunks from the hill. 巨型铲土机正在把小山头一大口一大口地啃掉。
- Offer Bill a dollar to shovel your sidewalk, and watch his smoke! 要是你给比尔一块钱,叫他把你那条人行道上的雪铲掉,他会飞快地去做。
- They were using a mechanical shovel to clear up the streets. 他们用机械铲土机清理街道。
- It didn't take them long to shovel a path through the snow. 他们没有花很多时间就在雪地里铲出一条路来。
- Shovel the snow away from the steps. 铲除台阶上的雪。
- They are trying to shovel a path. 他们在试图铲出一条小路来。
- She took a shovel and laid to with the others. 她拿起铲子就和大家一起大干起来了。
- Scraper with long blue plastic handle. 蓝塑长柄方型油灰刀。
- The child packed the sand down with his shovel. 小孩用铲子将泥沙压紧。
- Tradesmen trouble us a bit, so does the scraper. 推销商有些烦人,刮泥板也是。
- They helped the workers shovel the sand in. 他们帮工人把沙子铲进去。
- The father dropped his shovel and coughed. 父亲放下铁锨,干咳着。
- I believe you have forgotten how to shovel right. 我想你忘记了怎样正确地用铲子了。
- Ruggam felled him with his shovel. 拉根一铲子把他打倒在地。
- The laborers had not appeared to shovel it. 工人没来搬运。
- He was stoking shovel after shovel. 他在一铲又一铲地加煤。