- Li Dongrui agitato says: "Before a few years, I fall in support of rural credit agency, loan cultivates sugar cane 70 thousand yuan, make I cultivate for many years of sugar cane face.. 李栋瑞兴奋地说:“前几年,我在农村信用社支持下,贷款7万元种植甘蔗,使我种植甘蔗面积年...
- The Analysis of Reasons Why the Rural Credit Agency Loan Is Failed to Be Repayed Currently 当前影响农村信用社贷款无法正常偿还的因素分析
- Comparatively Analysis in the Assets Structure of the Rural Credit Agency in Different Regions 不同地区农村信用社资产结构比较分析
- rural credit agency 农村信用社
- We will deepen the reform of rural credit cooperatives. 农业结构有所优化,优质、专用农产品增加。
- Handle deposits and loansof the Rural Credit Cooperatives. 办理农村信用社存款和贷款。
- IS Cooperation the Only Way to Reform of Rural Credit Union? 合作制:农村信用社改革的惟一出路?
- Handle deposits and loans of the Rural Credit Cooperatives. 办理农村信用社存款和贷款。
- The credit agency had lowered GE credit rating one notch to AA+ from AAA. 标准普尔将通用电气的评级从AAA调降至AA+。
- It would be advisable for you to instruct a credit agency to investigate the matter. 贵方指示信用调查机构调查这件事是明智之举.
- Do the credit censoring committee work well in rural credit cooperatives? 审贷委员会制度在农村信用社有效吗?
- Return in the loan of credit agency now e.g. me, but accrual is illuminated every months hand in not by accident. 比如说我现在在信用社的贷款还没还,但是利息每月照交不误。
- Other commercial banks and urban and rural credit cooperatives will be assisted to develop steadily in the process of reform. 要扶持股份制商业银行和城乡信用社在改革中稳步发展。
- Chang Tianjin borrowed 1000 yuan from credit agency, the first milk cow of redemptive village. 常添金从信用社贷了1000元,买回村里的第一头奶牛。
- The French government was able to provide the guarantee through the export credit agency COFACE. 法国政府可以通过出口信贷机构COFACE为其提供担保。
- With no sign of a new budget to close this chasm, one credit agency has already downgraded California's debt. 由于没有迹象表明能有新的预算来弥补这一鸿沟,一家信贷机构已经降低了加州的债务信誉等级。
- The loans by rural credit cooperatives stood at 1,394.0 billion yuan,an increase of 195.3 billion yuan. 全国农村信用社贷款余额13940亿元,增加1953亿元。
- Rural credit cooperatives have become the main force of rural financial service. 农村信用社已成为农村金融服务的主力军。
- Compared with developed countries, because our ECI is at primary stage,many problems will be solved by the government,enterprises and export credit agency(ECA). 相对于发达国家,我国的出口信用保险事业还处于初级阶段,其中存在的问题还需要政府、企业及出口信用保险机构本身三方共同努力解决。
- The successful reform of rural credit cooperatives (RCCs) is the key to establishing the rural financial system that is suit for market economy. 作为农村金融体系中的主力军,农村信用社改革的成功是构建符合市场经济发展要求农村金融体系的关键。