- If you decide to revise the work, please submit a list of changes or a rebuttal against each point which is being raised when you submit the revised manuscript. "多么熟悉的话语。可以预先恭喜你了,你就照着意见一条条修改,如果你和审稿人确实对某个问题有不同意见,说得尽量委婉一点,先肯定人家的正确的东西,再摆出自己的观点。
- The Conception of the Construction of the Net of Revising Manuscripts in the Editorial Department i 关于建立学报审稿网络的构想
- They are quarrying in old manuscripts. 他们正在旧手稿中寻找资料。
- The authenticity of the manuscript is beyond doubt. 手稿的真实性是毋庸置疑的。
- She was very helpful in preparing my manuscript. 她在我撰写原稿时帮了大忙。
- the ideas incorporated in his revised manuscript. 加入到他修订后的原稿中的想法。
- The manuscript requires an expert to understand it. 这份手稿只有专家才看得懂。
- The students are busy revising for the examination. 学生们忙于温课迎考。
- Her poems are still in manuscript. 她的诗尚未付印。
- The editing of the manuscript is now in hand. 这部手稿的编辑工作现在已经开始。
- The editor has read over the manuscript. 编辑已审阅过这篇稿件。
- The illumination of the manuscript is delicate. 这个手稿的装饰很精致。
- Few of the early manuscripts have been preserved. 早期的手稿保存下来的不多。
- Copying manuscripts all the time is dreary work. 老是抄写手稿是件枯燥乏味的差事。
- This is the extant manuscript of the poem. 这是现存的该诗的原稿。
- The writer revised the manuscript. 作者订正手稿。
- To my mortification, my manuscript was rejected. 使我感到失面子的是,我的稿件被退了回来。
- Revising the procedure was an entirely profitless exercise. 对程序进行修改是徒劳无功的。
- The manuscript bears the date 10 April 1937. 手稿上注著1937年4月10日。
- A manuscript written in cursive characters. 草书手稿用草写体写成的手稿