- residual strain by welding 焊接残余应变
- Survey of maintenance repairs by welding. 对日常维修焊接维修的调查。
- Upgrading by welding is required. 因此就需要进行焊接改进。
- The union of two metal parts by welding. 焊接把两个金属部件焊接为一个整体
- Repair worn parts of metal products by welding on extra layers. 焊接额外层以修复磨损金属制品的零部件。
- You can minimize neck strain by positioning your monitor at eye level. 将监视器放置在和眼睛相同高度的位置,可以减轻颈椎的紧张程度。
- Both the alloy composition and residual strain in the grains were determined from the Raman shift. 这两者可借由拉曼频谱来决定晶粒中合金的组合成份以及残留的应力。
- The residual strain is the additional shear strain created with the increase of pore pressure due to cyclic shear under initial shear stress. 残余应变是由于周期剪切引起孔隙压力增长;在初始剪力作用下产生的附加的剪应变.
- The supporting structure may be assembled with bolts or rivets or by welding. 支架结构可由螺钉或铆钉或用焊接法组装起来。
- Rotection against torsional strain by rollers mounted on the side wall of the housing. 通过排线器箱体侧壁安装的滚轮防止扭转应变。
- The residual deformation around the hole was measured by digital speckle correlation technique and the relation curves of residual strain at the side of hole vs fatigue life cycles were obtained. 再应用数字散斑相关技术测量了不同疲劳循环次数后孔周的残余变形场,并给出了孔边最大残余应变与疲劳循环次数的关系曲线。
- These viruses were identified as measles virus of Shanghai 191strain and Leningrad 4 strain by serological test. 经鉴定其抗原性与沪191株及列4株麻疹病毒一致。
- Aspergillus niger 3866 is confirmed the highy enzyme activity producing strain by screening strain . 通过菌株筛选,确定了黑曲霉3866为糖苷转化酶高产菌株。
- Considering the influence of stamping forming to the thickness and residual strain of parts,the thickness distribution and residual strain can gain through the stamping forming calculation. 考虑到冲压成型对零件厚度和残余应变的影响,通过冲压成型计算得到零件在冲压过程中的厚度分布和残余应变。
- The crack between the coped and hole was removed by air arc and then repaired by welding. 在修割边和钻孔之间的裂纹用气弧消除,然后进行焊补。
- The acicular ferrite morphology at the weld side is affected by welding parameter, and the inclusions are located at the boundaries of ferrite. 熔合区焊缝侧针状铁素体的形态与焊接线能量有关。氧化物夹杂大多位于针状铁素体边界。
- Results 33 genotypes were got from 56 strains by ERIC-PCR. 结果56株IRPA用ERIC方法分为33型;
- The failure analysis of the heating jacket indicates that the austenitic stainless steel 316L is susceptible to stress corrosion cracking under the combined action of chloride environment and residual stresses induced by welding. 结果表明:加热夹套开裂的主要原因是316L奥氏体不锈钢不耐氯化物腐性,焊缝有一定的缺陷和腐蚀介质存在,属于一种典型的应力腐蚀失效形式。
- Photo: Firemen look up at smoke from a fire sparked by welding work at the Shanghai World Financial Center. 照片:消防人员抬头看著上海环球金融中心因焊接发出的火花。
- The strain with the maximum enzyme activity level was a Gram negative bacterium which was identified as Stenotrophomonas maltophilia chitinase strain by 16S rDNA method. 对该菌株应用16S rDNA法进行鉴定;结果为嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌(Stenotrophomonas maltophilia).