- rescue breathing equipment 呼吸复苏设备
- Firemen must carry breathing equipment to protect myself from the smoke. 消防员必须携带呼吸器保护我自己免受烟熏。
- For very prolonged cardiac arrests, the addition of rescue breathing may be of some help. 但对于非常长时间的心脏骤停,额外的人工呼吸有一定的帮助作用。
- If ventilation attempt is u ucce ful, reposition the client's head and reattempt rescue breathing again. 如人工勇气失败,重新放置病人头部,再次开始抢救呼吸。
- But now the American Heart Association says everyone should use hands-only CPR, unless they feel strong about their ability to do rescue breathing. 但是现在美国心脏协会说每个人都应该使用只用手的CPR,除非他们觉得他们的呼吸救助能力很强。
- But now the American Heart Association says everyone should use hands-only CPR,unless they feel strong about their ability to do rescue breathing. 但现在美国心脏病协会说每个人都应使用纯手工CPR,除非他们觉得他们做呼吸抢救的能力很强。
- But now the heart association says everyone should use hands-only CPR unless they feel strong about their ability to do rescue breathing . 但是目前心脏协会说每个人都可以使用仅用手的心脏复苏术除非他们对自己的人工呼吸有信心。
- Experts say rescue breathing should still be taught because it is still important for subsets of cardiac-arrest ictims, including whose who drown, choke or oerdose. 专家指出还是应该教授人工呼吸因为它在包括溺水、窒息或者服药过量引起的心跳骤停的抢救中很重要。
- Next, open the airway, pinch their nose, and give 2 rescue breaths. 接下来,打开气道,捏住伤者的鼻子,进行2次人工呼吸。
- Objective To explore the feasibility and significance of using ventilated technology of oxygen after unchaining in assistant breathing equipment cycled with mixed gases of helium and oxygen. 在给出保持本系统稳定的相对增益矩阵后,介绍了循环式氦氧混合气辅助呼吸装置设计中的氧浓度解耦控制方法。
- If ventilation attempt is u ucce ful, reposition the client's head and reattempt rescue breathing again. If ventilation attempt remai u ucce ful, the airway may be o tructed by a foreign body that will need to be removed. 如人工勇气失败,重新放置病人头部,再次开始抢救呼吸。如再次失败,气道可能有异物堵塞,需要去除异物。
- Results It shows that the control of oxygen concentration after unchaining coupling is a vital technology in assistant breathing equipment cycled with mixed gases of helium and oxygen. 研究结果表明:氧浓度解耦控制技术是循环式氦氧混合气辅助呼吸装置设计中的一项关键技术。
- But now the American Heart Association says everyone should use hands-only CPR unless they feel strong about their ability to do rescuer rescue breathing. 但是,现在美国心脏协会指出所有人都应该采用只用手进行的CPR,除非他们对自己进行人工呼吸的能力有足够把握。
- Breathing Equipment Development for Fireman 消防用呼吸装置发展的趋势
- Doctor Ewy thinks the CPR guidelines should be changed again.He said the heart association should remove rescue breaths from the guidelines. 说是施救者应该每两次呼吸就把胸部按压的数量从15次增加到30次。
- The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 新医院的全部设备需要一年才能装备好。
- The army rode with whip and spur to their rescue. 战士们快马加鞭地赶去营救他们。
- The bank plan a rescue operation for the company. 银行计划对这个公司采取挽救措施。
- The equipment is lashed up and ready to go. 设备已捆扎好,准备启运。