change that is intented to improve a system or organization, remove unfairness, etc.
make better by removing or putting right what is bad or wrong
(cause to) form again , especially into ranks
"justice was for sale before the reform of the law courts"
"the reforms he proposed were too radical for the politicians"
"the family rejoiced in the drunkard's reform"
"reform a political system"
"The Church reformed me"
"reform your conduct"
"reform gas"
"reform oil"
"reform the health system in this country"
"The lazy student promised to reform"
"the habitual cheater finally saw the light"
Remorse begets reform.
出自: W. Cowper
Choose reform or civil war!
出自: Shelley
The..necessity of the reform of the calendar.
出自: R. W. Emerson
Gerald rushed into the reform of the office.
出自: D. H. Lawrence
He was reform the administration of justice.
出自: S. Austin
He..reformed the calendar.
出自: J. H. Newman
To reform the university, a succession of royal commissions was set up.
出自: G. Sayer