- For their part the Border Region Government and the Rear Headquarters will encourage the people of the whole region to continue their efforts to the very end. 本府本处,亦惟有激励全区民众,继续努力,以求贯彻。
- This proclamation was written by Comrade Mao Tse-tung for the Government of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and the Rear Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army with a view to countering disruptive activities by the Chiang Kai-shek clique. 这个布告是毛泽东为陕甘宁边区政府和八路军后方留守处起草的,目的是对付蒋介石集团的破坏活动。
- With a view to strengthening the anti-Japanese forces, consolidating the rear against Japan, and safeguarding the interests of the people, the Government and the Rear Headquarters find it imperative to proscribe the above-mentioned activities. 本府本处,为增强抗日力量、巩固抗日后方、保护人民利益起见,对于上述行为,不得不实行取缔。
- But to guard against impostors and keep out traitors, we prohibit any person, whatever his activities, from entering and staying in the Border Region unless he secures permission and written authorization from the Government and the Rear Headquarters. 但是凡未经本府或本处同意并取得本府或本处的证明文件,而从外面进入边区境内停留活动之人,不论其活动的事务属于何项,一律禁止,以防假冒,而杜奸宄。
- Henceforward, should any lawless person dare to plot disruption, the Border Region Government and the Rear Headquarters will enforce these regulations to the letter and will accept no plea of ignorance. 倘有不法之徒,胆敢阴谋捣乱,本府本处言出法随,勿谓言之不预。切切。
- With a view to strengthening the anti-Japanese forces,consolidating the rear against Japan,and safeguarding the interests of the people,the Government and the Rear Headquarters find it imperative to proscribe the above-mentioned activities. 本府本处,为增强抗日力量、巩固抗日后方、保护人民利益起见,对于上述行为,不得不实行取缔。
- The government and the Rear Headquarters,resolutely carrying out the Programme of Armed Resistance and National Reconstruction,will gladly initiate and promote any undertaking that serves the cause of resistance to Japan and national salvation. 凡属有利抗日救国的事业,本府本处在坚决执行《抗战建国纲领》的原则下,无不乐于推行。
- But to guard against impostors and keep out traitors,we prohibit any person,whatever his activities,from entering and staying in the Border Region unless he secures permission and written authorization from the Government and the Rear Headquarters. 但是凡未经本府或本处同意并取得本府或本处的证明文件,而从外面进入边区境内停留活动之人,不论其活动的事务属于何项,一律禁止,以防假冒,而杜奸宄。
- Henceforward,should any lawless person dare to plot disruption,the Border Region Government and the Rear Headquarters will enforce these regulations to the letter and will accept no plea of ignorance. 倘有不法之徒,胆敢阴谋捣乱,本府本处言出法随,勿谓言之不预。切切。
- The Government and the Rear Headquarters, resolutely carrying out the Programme of Armed Resistance and National Reconstruction, will gladly initiate and promote any undertaking that serves the cause of resistance to Japan and national salvation. (三)凡属有利抗日救国的事业,本府本处在坚决执行《抗战建国纲领》的原则下,无不乐于推行。
- Are their any orders coming from the headquarters? 有司令部的任何命令吗?
- A body of the enemy hung upon their rear. 一伙敌人紧紧地跟在他们的后面。
- She tapped out in code to headquarters. 她给总部发出密码电报。
- I got a flat tire of the rear wheel of my bicycle. 我自行车的后轮车胎没气了。
- Our army descended on the enemy headquarters. 我军对敌军的司令部发起突然袭击。
- The engine of this bus is in the rear. 这辆公共汽车的发动机在后面。
- They made contact with headquarters by radio. 他们用无线电跟总部联络上 了。
- The enemy reeled when surprised from the rear. 敌军从背後受到奇袭而乱了阵脚。
- The hinged rear door of a hatchback. 仓门式后背有铰链的后门
- Nine officers under me at headquarters. 在总部职位低于我的九个军官