- An acceleration in the rate of economic growth. 经济发展速率的增长。
- China has achieved the highest rate of economic growth in the world this year. 中国今年已实现世界最高的经济增长率。
- We hope to have a higher rate of economic growth in the following 10 years,the last decade of this century. 我们希望下一个十年,也就是本世纪最后一个十年的经济发展速度更高些。
- We hope to have a higher rate of economic growth in the following 10 years, the last decade of this century. 我们希望下一个十年也就是本世纪最后一个十年的经济发展速度更高些。
- Vietnam's inflation target is not very exacting: the aim is only that it should fall below the rate of economic growth. 越南对通胀干预的目标并不苛刻:只要求通胀率低于经济增长率即可。
- Soft Landing A term used to describe a rate of economic growth high enough to avoid recession, but slow enough to avoid high inflation. 指经济增长足以防止衰退但不足以引发高通胀。
- This superiority should manifest itself in many ways, but first and foremost it must be revealed in the rate of economic growth and in economic efficiency. 这要表现在许多方面,但首先要表现在经济发展的速度和效果方面。
- "This year, it is probably the only region that will be seeing a rising rate of economic growth which might reach seven percent," Supachai said. 他说:“今年,这里很可能成为唯一一个经济增长超过百分之7的地区。
- This year, it is probably the only region that will be seeing a rising rate of economic growth which might reach seven percent, Supachai said. 他说:"今年,这里很可能成为唯一一个经济增长超过百分之7的地区。
- This superiority should manifest itself in many ways,but first and foremost it must be revealed in the rate of economic growth and in economic efficiency. 这要表现在许多方面,但首先要表现在经济发展的速度和效果方面。
- Having public spending consistently exceeding the rate of economic growth is a departure from the principle of small government we have always promoted. 公共开支过份膨胀并长期高于经济增长率,已背离香港一向倡导的小政府原则。
- He has taken this perspective in studying the volume of unemployment, the rate of economic growth and, relatedly, job satisfaction and its centrality in people’s lives. 他将自己的这种观点应用于对失业量、经济增长率、对工作满意度及对工作满意度在人们生活中的重要性等课题的研究。
- The quality and efficiency of economic growth improved constantly. 经济增长质量和效益不断提高。
- an acceleration in the rate of economic growth 经济发展速率的增长.
- Mr.Reagan's nearly $2 trillion in Federal and trade debt(or $30,000 per family) will be a ball and chain around the neck of economic growth. 里根先生将近2兆联邦及贸易负债(亦即每户3万元)将是经济成长的绊脚石。
- Maintain a high rate of economic growth 保持经济增长的高速度
- Average annual rate of economic growth; 年平均经济增长率;
- To accelerate the rate of economic growth 提高经济增长率
- It gloried in the high rates of economic growth then prevalent, to be shot down by the opposition's claim that this growth had not percolated down to the aam admi, or common man (and woman). 他们当时大肆渲染印度的经济增长。但是反对派指出,这些增长没有让普通百姓受益。
- A new international economic configuration is emerging in which developing countries - particularly those with high rates of economic growth - are becoming dynamos of economic activity. 一种新的世界经济格局正在形成。在这个格局中,发展中国家,尤其是经济增长率较高的国家,正成为经济活动的动力。