- quasi fermi levels [电] 准费米能阶
- quasi fermi level 准费密能级
- hole quasi fermi level 空穴准费米能级
- The emission intensity is given by the absorptance of the volume in which there is a difference of the quasi Fermi energies. 辐射强度由存在准费米能级差的体积的吸收率决定。
- Meanwhile, the density of state near Fermi level increases with the change from high valence to low valence. 同时,费密能级附近的态密度随着价态变低而逐渐增加。
- Three peaks, corresponding to the hexane molecular orbits, are observed at 7.8, 9.5 and 11.0 eV below the Fermi level. 在低温下(160K);与正己烷分子相关的三个谱峰分别在费米能级以下7.;8、9
- N(O), the density of state at Fermi level, has been esti-mated by (dH_(c2)/dT)_(T_c). 由(dH_c_2/dT)_(T_c)的测量得到费米面上电子态密度N(0).
- The field would destroy degeneracy of partial flat bands at Fermi level in zigzag ribbons. 调制电场破坏了锯齿状石墨带,在费米能上部分平坦能带的简并度。
- Hole is an charged electronic entity in semiconductors and insulators which have energies less than the Fermi level and participate in the electric conduction. 空穴是半导体和绝缘体中的一种带电体,其能量小于费米能,并且参与导电。
- Density of states diagrams for Ti_(17) show a hydrogen induced band at approxi-matel 6.5.ev below the Fermi level in agreement with photoemission results. ti_(17)的态密度图表明;由氢而产生的带位于Fcrmi 能级下约6.;5ev 处;光电子发射的结果是定性相符的
- It is found that the position of the Fermi level is located near the minimum of the density of states, which explains the double Curie-point phenomena in Nb-Ni alloys. 从电子结构说明了Nb-Ni合金中存在双居里点现象的原因。
- ARUPS shows an increasing in- tensity near the Fermi level and no new electronic states at the level of Cu 3d band on the Fe covered Cu (110) ordered surface. ARUPS的结果表明,当CU(110)表面沉积Fe后,在费米能级附近杂化后的Cu4s信号强度增加,在Cu3d带附近没有观察到新的电子态。
- The simple methods are put forward to calculate Fermi level and edge level of sulf ide mineral by means of potential of mineral electrode and zeta potential of mi neral surface. 提出采用矿物浮选常用参数,即矿物静电位和矿物颗粒表面动电位来计算硫化矿物的费米能级和边缘能级的简便方法。
- For the binary CrS, our computational results indicate that the spin-up(majority spin) electrons of zincblende CrS are metallic while there is an obvious energy gap around the Fermi level. 对于二元化合物CrS , 我们的计算发现zincblende 相的CrS 的自旋向上(majority-spin)的电子的能带是金属性的,而自旋向下(minority-spin)电子的能带在费米(Fermi)面附近有一个明显的能隙(Energy gap)。
- The width of forbid bond near Fermi level is about 2.5 eV. The partial DOS of C, N or O with the negative charge is similar each other, which is different from that with the positive charge. 总态密度费米能级处的禁带宽度约2.;5eV。 分态密度中;带负电的碳;氮和氧为相似的一类;带正电的为另一类。
- The UPS and IPES are the most powerful and direct technologies to study the structure of occupied and unoccupied energy band below and above the Fermi level in the solid state material, respectively. 而光电子频谱及电子光频谱为现今研究固态材料在费米能阶上下佔态及未佔态轨域最强而有力且直接的方式。
- The optical relaxation is a process in which nonequilibrium electrons, excited by laser pulses and originating from near Fermi level in Cu ultrafine particles, return to the equilibrium state. 该现象是由薄膜中金属超微粒子内费米能级附近电子被飞秒激光脉冲激发所产生的非平衡态电子经历瞬态弛豫造成的。
- Business bounced back to prewar levels. 商业回升到战前的水平。
- quasi fermi potential 准费密电位