- pulvis aromaticus [医] 芳香散
- Pulvis Cretae Aromaticus Cum Opio 香垩阿片散
- pulvis cretae et opii aromaticus [医] 复方鸦片白垩散
- The main produ cts are pulvis,powder, premix,injection,disin fectants Streptokinase and etc. 产品有散剂、粉剂、预混剂、水针剂、粉针剂、消毒剂等。
- Objective:To evaluate the external application security of Compound Diandao Pulvis Drug Facial Mask(CDPDFM). 目的:评价复方颠倒散药物面膜外用的安全性。
- The content of solvable arsenic in Angong Niuhuang Pulvis is 35. 3% lower than that in Reaglar (P<0.01). 安宫牛黄散中的可溶性砷含量比雄黄的可溶性砷含量减少35.;3%25(P<0
- Clove is the ground flower buds of Caryophyllus aromaticus, native to the Moluccas or Spice Islands, but now grown principally in Zanzibar, Pemba, and the West Indies. 丁香是香丁香属植物花蕾研磨而成。原产于摩鹿加群岛(也叫香料岛),但现主要生长在赞给巴尔岛、奔巴岛、西印度群岛。
- Objective: To stady the value of combination Wu pulvis and omeprazole in the treatment of gastric ulcer. 目的:为研究甘乌散与奥美拉唑合用对胃溃疡的影响。
- Conclusion Components in Angong Niuang Pulvis can reduce solubility of arsenic in Realgar, which may reduce toxicity of arsenic. 结论安宫牛黄散中的几种单味药均有抑制雄黄中可溶性砷溶出的作用,推测是降低砷的毒性作用的可能途径之一。
- Niuhuang xiaoyan pill,coating pill of pulvis fumi carbonisatus,always shows up salting out phenomenon,and decreases its quality. 牛黄消炎丸,为百草霜包衣丸,该药常出现"泛白"现象,严重影响了产品的质量。
- Objective Using a method of serum pharmacology, the effect of Yu Ping Feng Pulvis (YPFP) on the activity of WBC was studied in mice. 目的应用中药血清药理学方法,观察玉屏风散对小鼠白细胞活化功能的影响。
- Herba hyperici japonici, Pulvis fells ursi, Radix sophorae flavescentis, Radix angelicae sinensis in the Qingganle capsules were identified by thin layer chromatography.?RESULTS? 采用薄层色谱鉴别方法,对清肝乐胶囊中的地耳草、熊去氧胆酸、苦参及当归进行鉴别。
- METHODS The constipating pulvis was prepared according to the proved recipe of famous doctor,establish the quality control method and observe the clinical effects. 方法根据名医验方制备小儿健脾止泻散,制定质量控制方法,观察临床应用效果。
- Objective:To establish a new identification and analysis method of gypsum fibrosum,gypsum fibrosum praeparatum,pulvis talci and gypsum fibrosum blended with pulvis talci. 目的:建立石膏与煅石膏、滑石粉、石膏掺滑石粉新的鉴定分析方法。
- Objective To assess the therapeutic eff ic acy of vitamin AD concentrate drops adding Pulvis Miconazoli Natrii compared to baby prickly heat powder for diaper rash. 目的:比较浓缩维生素AD滴剂加达克宁散与婴儿热痱粉对红臀治疗的效果。
- Objective It is to explore the therapeutic effect of Jiawei Sini Pulvi s (JWSNP) on fatty liver (FL) patient with hyperlipaemia. 目的探讨加味四逆散对脂肪肝伴高脂血症患者的治疗作用。
- Application: Premix products is widely used in nutrient supplement, dairy products, health food, reconstituted food, solid drinks, candy, oral liquid, soluble granules, pulvis, capsule etc. 产品用途:可广泛用于保健食品、乳制品、冲剂营养品、休闲食 品、营养早餐、婴儿食品、调味食品、固体饮料、婴儿食品、蛋 糕、糕点、饼干、面食等产品;
- Keywords borneol;GC;prostate;Five-Colours Pulvis; 冰片;气相色谱;前列腺;五色散;
- Thymistadopsis trillinearia pulvis n. 三线麝钩蛾四川亚种
- Compound Diandao Pulvis Drug Face Membrane (CDPDFM) 复方颠倒散药物面膜