- public power ethic 公权伦理
- To change the situation,a power station was built in Lhasa in 1956. It was the first public power enterprise in Tibet. 为改变这种状况,1956年在拉萨修建了电站,这是西藏第一个公用电力企业。
- From the angle of alienation of public power,the corruption is a form of outer behaviour of public power's alienation. 从公共权力异化的视角来分析 ,腐败是公共权力异化的外部行为的表现形式。
- To change the situation, a power station was built in Lhasa in 1956. It was the first public power enterprise in Tibet. 为改变这种状况,1956年在拉萨修建了电站,这是西藏第一个公用电力企业。
- Public power consciousness in western counties results from the interaction of their politics and culture. 西方国家公共权力意识是西方政治文化综合作用的结果。
- Modern property right is a civil right,which must break away from the intertexture of the public power. 现代产权又必须摆脱与公权力的交织,成长为纯民事化的权利;
- The rising of civil society aggravates the social governance in the public power of reconfiguration. 摘要公民社会的兴起加剧了公共权力在社会治理中的重新配置。
- Public power is the collective force based on the purpose of protecting individual rights and mediating the conflicts. 公共权力是基于保护个人权利、调节个人权利冲突而产生的集体性强制力量。
- Lacking the social organizations as the broker, the state public power expands and the social control weakens. 由于缺乏社会组织作为中介,使国家公权力扩张和社会控制能力不足。
- In China the rural land resources' redistribution is under the direct regulation of the public power sectors. 摘要我国农村土地资源再分配的过程受国家公共权力部门的直接调节。
- It is clear that violent public discourse is just as terrorizing as unrestricted public power. 可见民间话语暴力跟不受制约的公权力一样恐怖!
- That willingness explains our holdings of the Washington Public Power Supply Systems #1, #2 and #3 issues, discussed in our 1984 report. 就像是我在1984年年报中曾经提到我们在华盛顿公用电力系统债券上的投资
- In the new era, some leaders in China are encountering moral dilemma which is embodied in the abuse of power of some officials who hold public power. 摘要新时期,我国一些领导者道德遭遇困境,集中体现在某些掌握公共权力的官员在权力运用方面的不道德。
- Public power consciousness is the ideology and awareness of leaders and civil servants about the commonweal and public principle of government power. 摘要公共权力意识是领导干部和公务员对政府权力的公益性、公共性原则的一种思想观念和自觉意识。
- I firmly object to the unfairness of Shandong University's public powers. 我坚决反对山大的公权力不公。
- The content of high harmonics in public power grids is the important indicator which measures the quality of power grid system. 公共电网中高次谐波的含量是衡量电力系统电能品质优劣的重要指标。
- Any private and public power authority can not be arbitrary measures by violence, unless the judicial decision to deprive them of their rights. 任何私权力和公权力都不能肆意施之以暴力,除非法律判决剥夺其权利。
- Police power is a strong public power which is likely to be abused to infringe civil rights, so there is a need to regulate it. 摘要警察权是一种强大的国家公权力,现实生活中时有被滥用而侵犯公民权利的现象,有必要对其进行规制。
- But due to political conceptions,political systems and judiciary status,the judiciary isn't able to review all the actions of public power. 但受各国政治理念、政治体制、司法机关地位等因素的制约,司法机关并不一定能够对所有的公权力行为进行司法审查。
- As the hierarch of public power, the government expends all kinds of resource when executing functions and needs to calculate the cost. 政府部门作为社会公共权力的执掌者,在行使其职能时,也同样因消耗各种资源,而存在成本。