- At once he slew him and set Io free. 他立刻杀死了阿尔戈斯,放掉了伊俄。
- pseudo offline adj. 伪离线的(伪脱机的)
- This apparent interest of his in modern music is completely pseudo. 他对现代音乐显露出的雅兴纯属自欺欺人。
- Better that she should have resumed her former shape, as I permitted Io to do. 还不如当初我也叫她象伊俄一样重新恢复了人形呢!
- Do you want to synchronize before going offline? 在进入脱机状态之前需要进行同步吗?
- Finally Zeus decided to help Io directly. 最后宙斯决定直接帮助爱娥。
- Cindy told him with pseudo sweetness. 辛迪装出一种甜甜蜜蜜的口吻对他说。
- The cluster network is already offline. 群集网络已经脱机。
- The share is currently offline or does not exist. 该共享目前处于脱机状态,或者不存在。
- A problem has occurred uploading an offline change. 在上载脱机更改时发生了一个问题。
- It has not been downloaded for offline reading. 尚未下载此消息,因而无法联机阅读。
- PCIThe PCI pseudo driver is in drivers/pci/pci. PCIPCI伪设备驱动位于drivers/pci/pci.
- Io then fled to the banks of the Nile. 爱娥便逃到尼罗河岸。
- Make an existing favorite item available offline. 将收藏夹中现有的内容设置为脱机查看。
- He rubbed his cheek with pseudo ruefulness. 他露出假装悔恨的表情摸摸自己的脸颊。
- Make the current Web page available offline. 将当前网页设置为脱机查看。
- The driver does not recognise this IO control code. 这个驱动程序不识别IO控制代码。
- IO error on both the source and destination disks. 源磁盘和目标磁盘上的IO错误。
- Operation disallowed on SMI pseudo table. 不允许操作假冒的表。
- An AP is characterized as online or offline. 在线或离线也可以作为刻画 AP 的特征。