- prostration of mind and spirit 心灵与精神上的疲惫
- We were laid down upon piles of aromatic grass, and instantly fell into the deep sleep which follows absolute prostration of mind and body. 我们躺在芬芳的草堆上,身心交瘁地沉沉入睡了。
- Sunday passed with equal doubts, worries, assurances, and heaven knows what vagaries of mind and spirit. 星期天过去了,这一天充满着同样的疑虑,担忧,自我宽慰,和天知道还有些什么别的异想天开。
- And his over-attention to the freedom of mind and spirit alse shows somewhat inclination of solipsism. 他对心灵自由、精神自由的过分关注,亦流露出明显的唯意志论倾向。
- The Emperor Perfetto XI, for instance, who controlled Primordium for sixteen years until the Great Insurrection, was a man familiar with every corruption of mind and spirit. 就拿国王普菲多十一世来说吧,他在人民大起义爆发前统治了这个国家整整16年,是个极度腐败、灵魂堕落的人。
- Developing Olympian Character is about development of mind and spirit and understanding and inculcating highest principles and values that can lead to a harmonious world. 发扬奥运精神就是要培养高尚的情操,这种高尚的情操正是通向和谐世界的必经之路。
- Yes,it provides me with peace of mind and energy. 是的,它带给我心灵的平静和精力。
- In the opinion of paper,anxiety was a kind of state of mind and spirit from ancient,but not until Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky it became an existential state as an individual who could not escape. 文章认为,焦虑是人类自古有之的一种心理精神状态,但直到克尔凯郭尔和陀思妥耶夫斯基这里才成为个体的人无法回避的生存状态。
- She shivered with her depression of mind and body. 她身体疲乏,精神沮丧,浑身在颤抖。
- A change of mind and a change of heart. 那就是所需要的。改变心意以及勇气。
- We feel totally renewed in body, mind and spirit. 我们在身心和精神方面都感到极度的振奋。
- Maintain a reserve of mind and heart. 保留一点私人的空间。
- Great depression fatigues his mind and spirit. 大萧条让他心神俱疲。
- Yes, it provides me with peace of mind and energy. 是的,它带给我心灵的平静和精力。
- Theory of Mind and Autism: A Specific Deficit? 心理和孤独症理论:一个特异的缺陷?
- We were laid down upon piles of aromatic grass, and instantly fell into the deep sleep which follows absolute prostration of mind and body 我们躺在芬芳的草堆上,身心交瘁地沉沉入睡了。
- She must rouse herself from the torpor of mind and body. 她精神和肉体都已疲乏,现在必须振作起来了。
- The benefit of this is the reconstitution of mind and temperament. 其效益可以改变身心气质。
- This actually stands between us and peace of mind and restfulness. 它确实存在于我们和踏实与宁静之间。
- Ggong/ His state of mind and body can't get over the hangover. 孔刘:他精神或者身体上还没完全克服宿醉。。。