- proceed against sb for sth 为某事对某人起诉
- compete against sb for sth 与(某人)竞争以得到(某物)
- express one's gratitude to sb for sth 为(某事)对(某人)表示感谢
- The neighbors proceeded against him for theft. 邻居们以偷窃罪对他提起诉讼。
- Bell threatened to proceed against him for the recovery of a debt. 贝尔扬言为了索取债款要对他提起诉讼。
- bring an action against sb for slander. 控告某人犯有诽谤罪.
- Bell threatened to proceed against him for the recovery of the debt. 贝尔扬言为索债款要对他提起诉讼。
- The ayes have it(= more people have voted for sth than against it). 投票赞成的人占多数。
- I advise you not to proceed against him. 我劝你不要起诉他。
- Take judicial proceedings against sb. 提出诉讼控告某人
- We shall proceed against transgressors. 我们将控诉违犯者。
- Time is up,ie The time allowed for sth is ended. 时间到了。
- Do you really want to proceed against her? 你真的想起诉她吗?
- Bring a slander action against sb. 以诽谤罪控告某人。
- Make an application to sb. For sth. 向某人申请。
- The police have decided to proceed against Randy. 警方决定起诉兰迪。
- Frame-up; frame a case against sb. 捏造罪状以陷害他人。
- Make repeated and demanding request for sth. 反复请求,紧急请求。
- Lay a charge of sth. against sb. 指控某人犯。。。罪
- Pay all the money that you owe for sth. 把钱全部还清。