- I don't perspire.I am a private citizen, yet I receive fan mail. 我可不跟他们一起发疯,我行事向来低调,虽然我常收到粉丝们的信件。
- I'm a private citizen. A former President who is now a private citizen. 前任总统现在是一介平民。
- The once and future Defense secretary, at the time a private citizen, had been sent by President Ronald Reagan to Baghdad as a special envoy. 这位昔日及未来的国防部长,当时以普通公民的身份,被里根总统当作特使派往巴格达。
- A private citizen is required by law to arrest anyone committing a felony in his sight. 法律要求普通市民应当抓捕他看见的正在犯重罪的任何人。
- In recent days, the president has said he is ready to return to Texas and life as a private citizen. 最近,布什总统表示,他已准备好回到德克萨斯州,开始一个普通公民的生活。
- They were greeted by festivities in what looked more like an official state visit than one by a private citizen. 克林顿一行人抵达后,朝鲜热烈欢迎,说是美国公民出行,倒更像国事访问。
- The once and future Defense secretary,at the time a private citizen,had been sent by President Ronald Reagan to Baghdad as a special envoy. 这位昔日及未来的国防部长,当时以普通公民的身份,被里根总统当作特使派往巴格达。
- Some of these are run by private citizens angry with Estonia. 有些攻击是对爱沙尼亚的举动感到愤怒的普通居民。
- The park will be built with money given by private citizens. 这个公园将利用公民的个人捐款进行修建。
- Rent-seeking private citizens form groups to influence government activity. 私人寻租者形成集团去影响政府的活动。
- Grand juries have enormous powers to investigate wrong-doing by public officials as well as private citizens. 大陪审团拥有极大权力调查政府官员及平民的过失。
- Don't poke into my private affairs. 不要干涉我的私事。
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- a former President who is now a private citizen 前任总统现在是一介平民
- Every citizen should be obedient to the law. 每个公民都应当是遵守法律的。
- Heavy taxes indispose a citizen to work hard. 重税于国民不愿意辛勤工作。
- Over the years different types of corrupt practices of public servants as well as private citizens have been unearthed. 在过去,我们揭发了公职人员和民众各种不同的贪污腐败行为。
- The courts make their own judgments, whether disputes before them involve private citizens, corporate bodies or the government itself. 无论纠纷是涉及个人、法人社团还是政府,法庭都会独立作出裁决。
- Bill Gates is an American citizen. 比尔·盖茨是美国公民。