- To seek a blank cheque to back the present policy. 为支持现有政策谋求行事的全权。
- The article seems to be weighted against the present policy. 这篇文章似乎是旨在反对当前的政策。
- They do not see man fully emancipated under their present policy. 他们知道他们现在推行的政策还不能使人民得到彻底解放。
- If their present policy is continued, I am afraid that war is inevitable. 如果他们目前的政策持续不变的话,恐怕战争就不可避免了。
- The present policy of our Party is still to reduce rents, not to confiscate land. 目前我党方针,仍然是减租而不是没收土地。
- But many of our cadres fail to realize that the Party's present policy must be very different from its policy during the Agrarian Revolution. 但是我们的干部,还有许多人不明白党在目前时期的政策应当和土地革命时期的政策有重大的区别。
- Had it not been for that campaign of suppression, the people would not have approved our present policy of leniency. 如果没有那次镇压,今天我们采取宽大政策,老百姓就不可能赞成。
- The present policy is a dual policy which synthesizes "alliance" and "struggle". 现在的政策,是综合“联合”和“斗争”的两重性的政策。
- It seems plain enough that our present policies aren't working. 平原似乎不够,现行的政策是没有工作。
- Those who persist with the present policies should step aside. 坚持当前政策的那些人应该退居二线。
- A significant increase in the daily caloric intake of the people has resulted under the present policy. 执行当前政策的结果是人们每天的热摄取量显著增加。
- This "new thinking",in fact,is a misinterpretation of our present policy on banning gambling. 这种“禁赌新思维”实际上是对我国现行禁赌政策的曲解。
- There is no safe alternative to the present policy and this is definitely not a time to take risks that could well be unmanageable. 目前并没有其他稳妥的方案,可以取代现有的固定汇率政策,现在也决不是适当时机引发一些我们极可能无法处理的风险。
- But with the implementation of our present policy on the mainland, the growth rate will be rapid and the gap will be narrowed. 但根据大陆的现行政策,发展速度不会慢,距离正在缩小。
- If we want the returning cultivated into forest policy can be endured, present policy and management system must be improved and management system must be innovated. “后退耕时代”只有实现管理制度创新,才能保证退耕还林(草)成果“保得住、不反弹”。
- Mr Putin said that while Russia wants to maintain its reputation as a safe home for long term investment, speculative inflows present policy makers with a dilemma. 普京表示,虽然俄罗斯希望保持作为安全的长期投资目的地的声誉,但投机资本流入令政策制定者左右为难。
- They will have to either get co-opted into the system or abandon the present policy of power-sharing with the ruing classes and continue the armed revolution to seize power. 他们不得不或者是被补选进入制度内,或者是放弃现有的与统治阶级进行权力分享的政策,继续进行武装革命以夺取政权。
- On the one hand, our present policy should stipulate that the landlords shall reduce rent and interest, for this serves to arouse the enthusiasm of the basic peasant masses for resistance to Japan, but the reductions should not be too great. 现在的政策,一方面,应该规定地主实行减租减息,方能发动基本农民群众的抗日积极性,但也不要减得太多。
- If the present policies are altered,their standard of living will definitely fall. 现行政策只要一改变,人民生活肯定会下降。
- The most important thing is that China's present policies,both domestic and foreign,must not be changed. 问题的关键是中国的现行政策不能变,无论对内还是对外政策都不能变。