- N o statistical difference was found in sex, age, weight, and ventricular prematur e number of enrolled patients. 入选者性别、年龄、体重及 2 4h室早数量均无统计学差异。
- The prematureness of the China society in the sphere of politics,culture and language has concealed the nature of the Chinese primitive religion. 中国传统社会在政治上、文化上、语言上的早熟掩盖了中国原始宗教的本性。
- Since earliness is not an issue, nor is summer rainfall, his only concern is clean fruit. 因为提早成熟和夏季雨水不是主要问题,所以他唯一关心的是果实的干净。
- For a parallel batch process, a scheduling model based on due dates was built to minimize the total earliness. 摘要针对并行批处理调度过程,以总提前完成时间最小化为目标函数,建立了一个基于交货期的调度模型。
- The earliness of cotton has become an important subject interested by people of most cotton rowing countries. 摘要 当前世界主要产棉地区,都十分重视早熟性。
- The results indicated that D64B possessed the characteristic of dominant earliness . 这些结果表明D64B具有显性早熟特性。
- It is not fully because of its chronologically earliness that the arawana is described as ancient or living fossil. 之后,随地球上地壳运动发生,冈瓦纳古大陆被撕成数大块!
- The breeding shows earliness,the leaves are medium size,the meat of leaf is thick,dark green. 该品种表现早熟、叶片中等大小,叶肉厚,深绿色。
- The heuristic repairing is applied to the orders of the last stage to minimized the cost of earliness and tardiness. 通过对最后阶段机器上的操作加工序列进行移动修复以最小化其提前/拖期成本;
- But until to-day, cotton breeders still hold different opinions about the definition of earliness as well as on the methods of estimation. 但是关于棉花早熟性的涵义及其测定,目前尚缺乏一致的认识。
- All jobs have common earliness cost and common tardiness penalty, but the window location with linear cost is a decision variable. 公共交货期窗口大小给定但位置待定,由线性定位费用衡量;
- However GA theory is not prefect,such as there exist the problems of easily creating earliness and bad ability in local optima,etc. 但是遗传算法在理论上还不够完善,例如存在容易产生早熟现象以及局部寻优能力较差等问题,影响了其进一步的应用。
- This paper addresses a flow-shop scheduling problem with identical parallel machines at each stage (machine center) for minimizing the sum of the earliness and tardiness costs. 摘要本论文强调一种在每一阶段(机器中心)具有平行机之流程式工作排程,求解最小化总提早及迟延成本之问题。
- With the grey system model,the yield,commodity,loding resistance,resistance to diseases and insects and earliness of thirteen new rice varieties in Jiangsu province were analyzed. 运用灰色系统理论,对江苏省迟熟中粳新品系的产量、商品性、稳产性、抗倒性、抗病性和早熟性6个性状进行综合分析和评价。
- Identical parallel machine scheduling problems with family setup times are studied.A three-phase heuristic algorithm is developed to minimize the total earliness and tardiness. 摘要 研究了优化目标为总拖后/提前时间最小化的并行机成组调度问题,提出了一种三阶段启发式近似求解算法。
- Northern inbred lines, such as HuangZao4 and JinHuang44 with strong earliness, 478 and Zheng58 with dwarf staff, can be apt to cross fine temperate-tropical hybrids. 北方温带种质自交系黄早四和金黄44具有较强的早熟性,478和郑58具有较强的矮杆性,易于组配优良的温热杂交种,并能在温带改良晚熟、高大的热带、亚热带玉米种质材料;
- Then, we consider an n-job, m-machine lot streaming problem in a flowshop with equal-size sublots where the objective is to minimize the total weighted earliness and tardiness. 接著,我们考虑一个在n件工件及m部机器下,批量流在流程型工厂之排程问题,其目标是最小化总加权提早及延迟时间。
- Conclusion: The key points of improve survival sates and larynx preservation were prevent re-bleeding after vrain injury, earli... 结论:能否预防颅脑外伤术后再次出血及早期诊断、及时手术治疗是提高患者生存率及生存质量的关键。
- The inversion results of synthetic magnetotelluric sounding data are ideal, which indicates that the algorithm possesses advantages of expediting convergence, avoiding earliness and improving precision, and can be used in MT data analysis. 对各种类型的大地电磁测深理论曲线进行计算,结果表明:采用实数编码混合遗传算法进行反演具有收敛速度快、解的精度高和避免出现早熟等优点,可用于大地电磁资料解释。
- Sivrikaya-Serifoğlu, F. and Ulusoy, G.,“Parallel machine scheduling with earliness and tardiness penalties,”Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 26, No. 8, pp 773-787, 1999. 张启明,平行机器在优先权及双重设置时间下之动态排程,国立台湾科技大学硕士论文,民国87年。