- 老师称赞他求知的欲望。 The teacher praised him for his anxiety for knowledge.
- 我当不起这样的称赞。 I hardly deserve the praises that were bestowed upon me.
- 他称赞她的新帽子。 He admired her new hat.
- 教授称赞她流畅的文体。 The professor praised her fluid style.
- 税收改革得到众口一词的称赞。 The tax reform was met with unanimous applause.
- 他称赞她的新衣服漂亮。 He complimented her on her new dress.
- 老板对我的工作极其称赞。 My boss was very complimentary about my work.
- 他的表演受到大家的称赞。 He received kudos from everyone on his performance.
- 照大多数人那样干,人们会把你称赞。 Do as most men do and men will speak well of thee.
- 他得到的称赞是受之无愧的。 He deserves the acclaim he has received.
- 对他们的称赞我感到很不安。 I was embarrassed by their compliment.
- 大家很称赞他。 They speak well of him.
- 应有的称赞 one's meed of praise
- 教授的讲演受到一片称赞。 The professor's speech was welcomed with a chorus of praise.
- 他在讲话中称赞了这所学校。 He gave a speech in praise of the school.
- 称赞新汽车的优点 to extol the merits of a new car
- 他见人就称赞她。 He spoke well of her in front of every one.
- 他称赞他的下属。 He is complimentary of his subordinates.
- 极度称赞; lavish praise;
- 称赞不已 unqualified praise