- Abstinence from alcohol, possible because of the water troughs and fountains, was considered another practical step towards physical and moral redemption! 可能是由於飲水槽(牛飲水用)與噴水槽(人飲水用)之出現,讓人想到戒除酒精是面對生理與道德救贖的務實做法。
- If government wishes to upgrade local industries and enhance their global competitiveness, the most far-sighted and practical step it can take is to strengthen institutions of education and training. 政府希望提升产业水平,增强国际竞争力,而强化教育和训练机构则可能是最有远见、也是最可行的手段。
- Finally, on the basis of above analyses, the author put forward the whole frame and practical steps of AMF. 最后,作者提出了“亚洲货币基金”的基本框架和实际步骤。
- Through reform and development,a nationally unified social security system will be put into practice step by step. 通过改革与发展,逐步实行全国统一的社会保障制度。
- The Chiefs of Staff are considering the practical steps and timings required to make an Italian turnover effective. 三军参谋长为了促成意大利的倒戈,正在考虑必要的实际步骤与时机。
- Experiment teaching is an important practice step in college quality education system. 在高校素质教育体系中,实验教学是一个极其重要的实践教学环节。
- The law requires an employer to take all practical steps to ensure that the job seeker is lawfully employable. 法例规定雇主必须采取一切切实可行的步骤,以确保求职者可合法受雇。
- After 1988, with support from Windows 98 and more USB devices, USB interface was coming into practicality step by step. 1998年后,随着微软在Windows 98中内置了对USB接口的支持模块,以及USB设备的日渐增多,USB接口逐步走进了实用阶段。
- Through reform and development, a nationally unified social security system will be put into practice step by step. 通过改革与发展,逐步实行全国统一的社会保障制度。
- If he continues to resist then. practice step two and graciously accept his rejection. 若你能照步骤做,你会经验到要求与获取支持的成功滋味。
- In Chapter two, you were instructed to take six definite, practical steps, as your first move in translating the desire for money into its monetary equivalent. 在第二章中,你已得到指示,要采取六大确切的实际步骤,这是你转化金钱渴望为对应财富的第一个动作。
- On top of this, however, practical steps are needed to answer the valid concerns people have about immigration from the east. 然而,除了这一点,也需要采取实际措施来解决人们对东来移民的一些有理由的忧虑。
- The enterprise part family management method based on GT and PDM is put forward, and practical steps of implementation are given. 本文介绍了PDM系统中的零件族管理技术,研究了以成组技术为基础建立企业零件族管理系统的方法,提出了基于PDM和GT的企业零件族管理模式,并给出了具体的实施方法。
- He bounced into the room with a springy step. 他以轻快的跑步跳进房间。
- Methods for setting a standard are systematic techniques.This paper introduces the practical steps and more popular methods in selecting the cutpoint. 考试标准的设定是一项系统工程,本文介绍了选择切点的六个步骤和四种比较常用的方法。
- China takes practical steps to establish fraternal relations with surrounding regions and promote cooperation in maintaining regional security. 中国以实际行动推动与周边地区建立睦邻互信,促进地区安全合作。
- With the financial sphere in China in line with international practice step by step,the reform and growth of gold investment market will certaimly be expedited. 随着我国金融领域逐步与国际接轨,黄金投资市场改革发展步伐将势必加快;
- In Chapter two,you were instructed to take six definite,practical steps,as your first move in translating the desire for money into its monetary equivalent. 在第二章中,你已得到指示,要采取六大确切的实际步骤,这是你转化金钱渴望为对应财富的第一个动作。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- It has come within the range of practical politics. 这就属于可实施性政治的范围了。