- The mayor ordered that free food be distributed. 市长命令发放免费食品。
- Free food is one of the perks of working for us. 供餐是帮我们做事的津贴之一。
- Free food for all comers. 对所有来者的免费供食
- Bill seldom goes to our pub these days yet he always turns up like a bad penny when there is free food on darts night. 比尔最近很少来我们的酒店,然而晚上的掷镖游戏上有免费食品供应时,他总是会来的。
- On Green Food, Organic Food and Pollution Free Food 论绿色食品有机食品和无公害食品
- The distribution of free food would appear to be a straightforward solution to the immediate problem of starvation. 免费分配粮食似乎是解决饥荒这一急迫问题的直接了当的方法。
- Boarding schools have been introduced in rural and pastoral areas, where Tibetan primary and middle school students enjoy free food, clothing and accommodation. 在农村和牧区学校推行寄宿制,对部分藏族中小学学生实行包吃、包穿、包住的政策。
- Food and water summoning abilities can save money and downtime with free food and water for themselves and the group. 食物和水的召唤能力可以节省资金和停机免费的食物和水为自己和工作组。
- You always come to my apartment and get free food out of my refrigerator.That makes you a mooch. 哎,Larry,我有的时候是到你的冰箱里拿东西吃,可是我有时候不是也请你吃晚饭吗?
- And it works hard to retain people, with copious free food, time to work on personal projects and other goodies. 而且它还在用丰富的免费零食,工作时间干点私活以及其他福利来努力留住员工。
- "Most of us engineers make enough money to pay for lunch but the lure of free food brings out the student in us," Mr Kellogg said. 凯洛格表示:“我们多数工程师的工资肯定够吃午餐的,但免费食物的诱惑,将我们身上的学生特质诱发出来了。
- Zhang Hui Lan, 64, visits daily for free food tastings and to chat with staff, “who are much friendlier than in the markets. 64岁的张慧兰(音),每天都会来品尝免费的食品,与沃尔玛员工闲聊,“他们比市场上那些人要友好的多”。
- Most of us engineers make enough money to pay for lunch but the lure of free food brings out the student in us, Mr Kellogg said. 凯洛格表示:我们多数工程师的工资肯定够吃午餐的,但免费食物的诱惑,将我们身上的学生特质诱发出来了。
- "Most of us engineers make enough money to pay for lunchthe lure of free food brings out the student in us," Mr Kellogg said. 凯洛格表示:"我们多数工程师的工资肯定够吃午餐的,但免费食物的诱惑,将我们身上的学生特质诱发出来了。"
- They go hungry as North Korea and the United States bicker over how -- and in what language -- free food is to be handed over. 这些人因为朝美两国政府在如何-以及用何种语言来移交免费的粮食问题上争吵而遭受饥饿。
- This is the first time the Chinese government through the United Nations World Food Program to provide free food aid to Lesotho. 这是中国政府第一次通过联合国世界粮食计划署向莱索托提供无偿粮食援助。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
- We should use anthracite to avoid air pollution. 我们应该使用无烟煤以防止空气污染。
- Boarding schools have been introduced in rural and pastoral areas,where Tibetan primary and middle school students enjoy free food,clothing and accommodation. 在农村和牧区学校推行寄宿制,对部分藏族中小学学生实行包吃、包穿、包住的政策。
- Pollution control has cleared the air. 污染管制已净化了空气。