- poison one's mind against 使one对
- poison sb.'s mind against v. 使某人产生恶感
- She tried to poison her husband's mind against his sister. 她想挑拨她丈夫对他的妹妹产生恶感。
- She tries unsuccessfully to poison his mind against Elizabeth. 她竭力破坏他对伊丽莎白的好感,却未能成功。
- Mary tried to poison her husband's mind against his sister. 玛丽试图使她丈夫对他妹妹产生恶感。
- She tried to poison her husband's mind against his first wife. 她企图在她丈夫面前中伤他的前妻。
- In the user’s mind it is a simple command. 这样的愚蠢问题,在用户心中这是一个简单的命令。
- English grammar tasked the boy' s mind. 英文语法使那男孩大伤脑筋。
- The premier set his mind against all the appeals. 首相打定主意不理会一手诉愿。
- Khadgar’s mind was awhirl, as was his heart. 卡德加的内心和头脑依然迷茫。
- Siva?In Zhuo\'s mind,the only god is his own power. )在卓王孙的心中,唯一的神就是他自己的力量。
- Bingley's sister Caroline is interested in Darcy herself. She tries unsuccessfully to poison his mind against Elizabeth. 彬格莱的妹妹卡罗琳本身对达西颇感兴趣。她竭力破坏他对伊丽莎白的好感,却未能成功。
- In the conversion of saliva into poison one might suppose that a fixed process took place . 人们或许会认为:唾液转变成毒液,其中有固定的程序。
- On an occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak one 's mind; it becomes a pleasure. 趁这样的机会直抒己见,其意义超过了道德上的义务,而成为一种乐趣。
- In the conversion of saliva into poison one might suppose that a fixed process took place. 人们或许会认为:唾液转变成毒液,其中有固定的程序。
- Bingley's sister Caroline is interested in Darcy herself. She tries unsuccessfully to poison his mind against Elizabeth. 彬格莱的妹妹卡罗琳本身对达西颇感兴趣。她竭力破坏他对伊丽莎白的好感,却未能成功。
- But there’s still value in standing on the platform of the Guiyang Biennial and opening one’s mind. 不过站在贵阳艺术双年展的平台上,放开思绪还是有价值的。
- She succeeded in poisoning their minds against me. 是她令他们仇视我的。
- The fundamentality of learning Buddha is no other than knowing world and life, enlightening and saving oneself and purifying one’s mind. 学佛的根本在于认识世界,认识自己,自觉自救,没有它路可图。
- Uncensored information corrupts children’s minds. 未经审查信息腐蚀小孩的心灵。