- It plays no part in migrant selection. 它与移民的选择毫无关系。
- Staff at the Visa Application Centres play no part in the decision-making process. 英国签证申请中心的工作人员无权对于是否签证做任何决定。
- JCP officials insist they will play no part in a coalition, not even if it means turfing the LDP out of office for only the second time in 54 years. 日共官员坚称其不会参与联合执政,即使这意味着在党派之争中自民党54年中的第二次下野。
- Lockyer played no part in winning origin... what the fuck are you on about? 本团体是开放的。任何人都可以加入或者邀请他人加入。
- I want no part in this sordid business. 我不想和这一肮脏勾当有任何瓜葛。
- It has also been claimed that the Waffen-SS played no part in the Holocaust and the industrialized killing of Jews. 武装党卫队不仅参与了大屠杀和对犹太人工业化的屠杀。
- Nuno Morais played no part in Portugal Under 21's 3-0 defeated of Estonia in the Vale do Tejo tournament in Portugal. 在葡萄牙举行的四国邀请赛中,葡萄牙U21青年队3-0击败爱沙尼亚队,比赛中莫雷斯没有获得出场机会。
- Meanwhile, FIFA have insisted the Italian football federation played no part in bringing Frings' involvement to their attention. 同时,国际足联坚持并非是意大利足协引起他们对弗林斯的注意的。
- Schnabel, after all, was neither the first major classical musician to record nor the first to do so extensively, and his recordings played no part in establishing his reputation. 毕竟,施纳贝尔既不是第一个接受录音的重量级古典音乐家,也不是第一个把大部分作品都录音的,而他的唱片与他的名声大震也没有直接联系。
- Far away in the frozen lands beyond the northern forests the Lapps, a Mongolian people, had drifted westward as far as Lapland, but they played no part in the main current of history. 在北部森林那边遥远的冻土上,拉普人(属于蒙古民族)一再向西迁移,最后到达拉普兰,不过他们对历史主流毫无影响.
- This study shows that for improving development effect in the cyclic flooding, order of roles played by various forces are: capillary force, elastic force, while gravity plays no part in it basically. 研究表明,在周期注水改善开发效果中,各种力所起的作用大小不同,毛管力的作用是主要的,弹性力的作用是次要的,重力基本不起作用。
- The chairman claimed that he had no part in the agreement. 主席说他没有参与该协定。
- The Church has no part in what secular arm may see fit to do. 至于世俗的权力采取什么适当措施,这与教会毫不相干。
- The conspirators took no part in the fighting which ensued. 密谋者没有参加随后发生的战斗。
- [size=2]EMOTION, according to the Japanese government, should play no part in decisions about commercial whaling. 根据日本政府的说法,情感不应该在有关商业捕鲸的决定中产生任何影响。
- The Outsourcing company, and its staff, will play no part, whatsoever, in the visa decision-making process. 外包服务的公司及其员工将不会参与任何涉及签证签发审理的过程。
- play no part in vt. 在 ... 中不起作用
- This occurs in its most extreme form in species where the males play little or no part in the rearing of offspring. 这种情况最极端的表现形式就是某些物种中雄性很少甚至不参与抚养后代。
- "If he has been Confunded, naturally he is certain," said Snape."I assure you, Yaxley, the Auror Office will play no further part in the protection of Harry Potter . “如果他能够中迷魂乱心咒,那自然很可靠,”斯内普说,“我担保你,亚克力,奥罗办公室将扮演一个离哈利波特不远的角色来保护他。
- He hammed up his part in the play. 他把在剧中担任的角色演过了火。